ness in our churches. Because we are out of touch with the eternal and Al mighty Christ, we speak so despairingly of the present situation, and have ceased to expect anything to happen in our midst. We try to make up for our lack of that life which is theirs who live in fellowship with Christ, by substitu ting ritualism, ecclesiasticism, elaborate liturgies, classical music, religious films,, drama, social clubs, but all these things only tend to reveal our spiritual pov erty and to blind us to our real need. Christ becomes hidden behind these ex ternal and material things so that He is no longer seen in all His beauty and glory, and we no longer experience the joy and power of His presence and fel lowship. It is sadly possible also to be most orthodox in doctrine and yet know nothing of a living, vital fellow ship with the risen Christ. When our fellowship with Christ our risen Saviour and Lord is a living and abiding reality, then we can truly say “ I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me” (Gal. 2:20). With the living Christ dwelling within us we cannot but re veal it in our speech, conduct, character, and countenance. He who walks and lives with Christ will be fragrant with His spirit as those who work in per fume factories carry its lovely fra grance with them into the street. That great lover of Christ, George Macdon ald, preacher, author and poet, had such a beautiful face that men, women and children instinctively thought of Christ when they encountered him. When Christ is intensely real to us, we will betray it in our speech and features. It was said of Stewart of Lovedale that he never spoke of Christ save with a trans figured smile. The value of our witness for the Lord Jesus, whether we are min isters or laymen, depends not upon our learning, our eloquence, our stature or our social rank, but in our possessing a real faith in the living Christ, and a rich experience of His love, grace and power. The consciousness of Christ’s presence with us will make a mighty difference in our personalities and in our witness for Him in the church, home, factory, store or office. A young man who was just an ordinary church member tells how he was captivated by the living Christ: “He met me and made me a missionary; He is the begin ning and end of the whole business. Since I have followed Him through the years as my Lord and Saviour, He has become increasingly real and precious to me. He is indeed my universe—the air by which I live, the beauty in which I exult, my meat and drink and raiment, my treasure, my temple, my tent, my sword and shield, my crown and my glory; my everlasting joy and peace, my Saviour and King. My soul thrills with wonder when I describe Him and yet I am conscious that no words of mine can express all that He is and all that He has done for me.” Such will be our ex perience as we realize that Christ is “ alive for evermore” and we walk in conscious fellowship with Him at all times and in all places. A P R I L , 1 9 4 9
Hsiao Yu Cheng
Rev. Cheng Kuang
Li Cheng Yung
W E give thanks this month that the Hunan Bible Institute has Most students have re turned either from their homes or from a month of special evangelistic work during the winter vacation. A few weeks ago great fears were entertained as to the possibility that the Com munist movement might sweep rap idly southward, but at present its successes are being held at the banks of the Yangtze pending “ talks” for a “ peaceful solution” of the civil war. Let us pray that in this period, so typical in Chinese politics, a way may be found to alleviate the sufferings of the people, and that the testimony of the Gospel may continue. We give thanks for a recent report from Mr. Russell Davis, our business manager, that the regular Biola Evangelistic Bands are preparing to continue their work in the country dis tricts of Hunan this spring. And recent diaries received from Band leaders are full of interesting incidents of personal work and of reports of men and women accepting Christ as their Saviour. Further, we give thanks to God for our many donors who continue their fellowship with us in this evange listic endeavor which is our primary work in China and our only reason for being there! Let us pray that this testimony shall not cease until Jesus comes. We give thanks that although sick ness in the form of smallpox has been prevalent at Changsha, and several cases developed on the Institute campus, no large epidemic broke out, and the disease has been stayed. We believe that much of the credit is due to the vigilance of the H u d s o n T a y l o r Memorial Hospital staff. We give thanks for this hospital on our compound and for the co-operation with Dr. and Mrs. Eitel. Let us pray for this truly Chris tian institution which not only ministers to the Institute needs, but also to a large clientele in the city of Changsha and throughout the countryside. We give thanks for the large number of Chinese pastors remaining at their posts in Communist areas. Many of these unsung heroes, witnessing at the Changsha.
peril of their lives, are graduates of the Hunan Bible Institute. We give th nks for every glimmer of hope com ing from “ occupied areas.” Recently a report came to our attention of one such district having in the past year baptized over 500 new believers! On the other hand, let us earnestly pray that God’s will shall be done, for from many places the word is reported that all is not well with the Chinese church, as it was in the beginning when the Communists first entered. We give thanks for the splendid co operation last term of the Taitung Seminary of the China Crusade which came to Changsha as a “ refugee” school. All schedules and programs now are being co-ordinated, providing an economy of help in the teaching staff of both schools. For a long time we have felt the need of a higher standard of theological training, so necessary as the present leadership in the Chinese church is weak. Let us pray that the Hunan Bible Institute will be a great spiritual and theological center of train ing in these difficult days, and that no time be lost. This is especially neces sary by reason of the hundreds of Uni versity students open to the Gospel, and accepting Christ as Saviour. These young people are looking for a school in which to study the Word of God. We give thanks for additional mis sionary help to our Hunan Bible In stitute staff in the loan by the China Inland Mission of Mr. and Mrs. G------ who will assist in the educational de partment. Let us pray for our present staff at Changsha. In closing we offer great thanksgiving for Mrs. Roberts’ recovery from an operation performed in Los Angeles. We wish to express our deep gratitude to our many friends who have prayed for her and who have shown so much sympathy. Pray for us that God will guide our future, and indicate how long we should stay in America before re turning to China. In the meantime, we are planning a trip up the West Coast, and would be pleased to hear from friends regarding openings for a testi mony to what God is doing at Chang sha. Please write us c/o Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California. Page Eleven
been able to open its spring semester at
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