King's Business - 1949-04


ing was left but the germ of life it­ self. That’s like us.” Second girl: “ But how are we like that?” Third girl: “ Because we must have Jesus in our hearts, if we would be like Him. Then we may grow into His image—beautiful, pure and ra­ diant — shedding love and good works.” First girl: “ What if we had planted a grain of wheat or an ugly weed? It had the germ of life, too. Would it grow into a beautiful, lovely lily?” Third girl: “ Oh no! This lovely lily had to have the lily life in it before it could blossom into a beautiful lily and we must have God’s love in us before we can blossom into good Christian boys and girls, and in our hearts be like Him.” Second girl: “ But we had to spade and hoe and water that bulb to make it grow into a large, lovely lily. It would have been stunted and tiny, if we hadn’t.” Third girl: “ That’s a lesson, too. Our teacher tells us that we must use God’s life or it will be stunted, too. It is one of those blessed things, which the more you give away, the more you have, and the more it is loved and tended and cared for, the more blessed it is.” First girl: “We couldn’t see the germ of life in the lily. We just had to»trust it was there.” Third girl: “ But it grew and grew into beauty in the lily, and our spiritual lives grow and grow so we, too, be­ come more beautiful and pure and radiant.” Second girl: “ The lily is beautiful now, but if the things about crowd too close, it will be marred and bruised and lose its beauty.” Third girl: “ Oh, that’s our Easter les­ son, too, for outside things can crowd close to us, too, and mar our Christian life. God says, ‘All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.’ God loved us so much that He sent His beloved Son, Jesus, to suffer for us, that we may be clean and pure, and at Easter time, so. long ago, Jesus took our punish­ ment on the Cross, and three days later, on Easter Morning, when His disciples went to His grave—Lo, He was risen—not dead, but alive for evermore and He whispers to each of us, ‘Lo, I am with you always.’ Second girl: “ I imagine there were lilies around His tomb, don’t you?” First girl: “ I don’t know that but we decorate with them at Easter be­ cause they are the symbol of' purity.” Third girl: “ Let’s grow another for next Easter—and try to grow more beau­ tiful in our Christian life too.”

^ J h e W a it e r oC iH h y An Easter Playlet By Florence Templeton

E a r l y

Very EARLY in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun. Mark 16:2 The ANGEL of the Lord de­ scended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. Matthew 28:2 They found the stone rolled away from the SEPULCHRE. Luke 24:2

A n g e l

S e p u l c h r e

T e l l

Go quickly, and TELL his disci­ ples that he is risen from the dead. MMAUS Behold, two of them went that same day to . . . EMMAUS . . . and they talked together of all these things which had happened. Luke 24:13,14 But now is Christ RISEN from the dead, and become the first- fruits of them that slept. I Cor. 15:20 THE LOVE O F A BOY Thank you, God, for the love of a boy, For the warm, tight squeeze of his hand; For eyes that sparkle and feet that dash, And his feeling that life is grand! Thank you, God, for the love of a boy, For his rough and tumble fun; For his tousled hair and his cap awry And the shouting when school is done! Thank you, God, for the love of a boy, For the silent depths of his soul; For his questing mind and his halting speech As he struggles to find life’s goal. Yes, thank you, God, for the love of a boy — Whole-hearted, impetuous, free — Thank you for all that he is today, And .for all he is going to be! Eric S. Horn Biola '25 How to Join the K. Y . B. Club To become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel according to John, using either your own Bible, or a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been read and a statement to this effect, signed by parent or Sunday school teacher, has been sent to the Editor of the Junior King’s Business, a K. Y. B. C. pin will be mailed. Sun­ day school classes or clubs desiring to order ten or more Gospels or pins may wish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord directs : Gospels, postpaid five cents each—in quantity, three cents ; pins, without charge, two cents each. However, no one is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Address : Junior King’s Busi­ ness, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. New K.Y.B.C . Members BENTONVILLE, Arkansas: Sarah Lou Anderson; Lawrence and Letha Jean Bolain; Virginia McNelly. (Florence Burton, Leader.) APRIL, 1949 E Matthew 28:7 R is e n

(All the girls help carry in a beautiful lily in a flower pot.) First girl: “ Oh, I’m so glad our lily was ready for Easter.” Second girl: “ Yes, we’ve watched and hoped and prayed it would really open in time. We wanted to deco­ rate our church for this morning’s service.” First girl: “ Easter is such a joyous, thankful time. I always feel such an inner joyousness then. Seems to me all the flowers do their best to bloom then, as though they wanted to sing Easter songs, too. Our lily is sing­ ing its best right now.” Third girl: “ Isn’t it beautiful! I can see now why they call the Lord Jesus ‘the Lily of the Valley.’ Lilies are so pure and white and beauti­ ful.” Second girl: “ Yes, but Jesus is also called ‘the Rose of Sharon.’ ” First girl: “ Oh, but I looked that up in my Bible dictionary and that says the Rose of Sharon is of the nar­ cissus family, a fragrant, beautiful lily.” Second girl: “ This lily wasn’t fragrant when we got it. It was just a dirty, brown, dead looking bulb. It didn’t look like much to me.” Third girl: “ Yes, I know; that’s our Easter lesson. It had to be buried, the outer part had to die, ’till noth­

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Martha S. Hooker

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