Biola’s full-time president, Dr. Louis T. Talbot, sends greetings to his big family scattered throughout the world in response to the command, “ Go, and Lo,” and says: “ I thank you with all my heart for the many cards and letters re ceived . . . I am very happy that now I can give my full time to the Bible Insti tute. I trust that the influence of our school may be widened, and that we may have many blessed years together in the work.” William H. (Bill) Lewis '39, now in seminary for further training, is spend ing week-ends in deputizing in the inter ests of the Kentucky Mountain Mission. Bill opens his letter thus: “ The human heart is never satisfied except it be in full surrender to the will of God. Each Christmas we spent in Kentucky we thought much of our home in Califor nia; now that we are in California, we find ourselves thinking much of the joy of Christmas in Kentucky.” Richard and Lucille Falconer-Webster '40, have spent their first Christmas in China. After a worship service, they sat at small tables for their Christmas feast consisting of six main dishes — turnip soup with large pieces of pork, buffalo stew with watermelon rind, fried liver and garlic sprouts, smoked bean curd, sliced fat pork with carrots and pota toes, and candied rice! Harold S. Dutton '34, Mission Evan- gelique, Nhatrang, French Indochina, offers praise to God for His lead ing in enabling the printing of a new edition of the Annamese Bible, and re quests prayer as they begin a year of service in this new station. They have housing problems also. Greetings to Laura Elizabeth Johnson '25, c/o American Baptist Mission, Taunggyi, Burma, numbered among the missing Biola Alumni for the past fif teen years, but laboring for the Lord in many hard places. There will he a bountiful harvest, as she has stressed everywhere the importance of carrying the message of salvation to the lost. Dyllis James '32, '33, and graduate of the Los Angeles General Hospital School of Nursing, has been ministering to vic tims of poliomyelitis at the General Hospital. Alma C. Kludt '46, who has been the Director of Christian Education at the Bethel Baptist Church of Detroit, Mich., has resigned to continue her education at Pacific Lutheran College, Parkland, Wash., in preparation for service in India. Missionary Babies William David, born to Jack ’41, and Helen Brown '42, Feb. 18th, at Patty Clay Hospital, Richmond, Ky. • David Dozier, to Timothy '33, and Helen Pietsch, Feb. 24th, in Tokyo, Japan. A P R I L , 1 94 9
testifies that he received full assurance of salvation at Biola; that it was here he answered the call for full-time service for the Lord. He has a local broadcast over radio station WMBS. Marion Cribbs-Brand '45, writes of her new baby, Richard Wayne, born in May '48, “He is already a blessing to the black people here. There have been no white babes in Bogoro since the Uhlinger chil dren were here, and the younger genera tion are thrilled to see him.” Timothy Pietsch '33, following a three - months’ deputation trip through the States in the interests of the missionary housing situ ation in Japan, flew from San Francisco for Tokyo, via Hawaii, where he will deputize for three days, then on to join his family in Japan. Oscar Walton ’24, is at home after spending a number of years on the mission field in China. Eleanor Fairchild ’48, is enjoying some wonderful spiritual contacts in connec tion with her work at the Casa Matema Orphanage, Corso Garibaldi 35, Portici, Naples, Italy. Irene Schlenker ’32, has joined Alicia de Leon ’47, and her moth er Chole, at the missionary home in Mexico City, Mexico, Aptdo 2975. Irene is bookkeeper, cashier and general office assistant for the Wycliffe Translators. Eula May Flippo ’46, is now in France in preparation for missionary service on the Ivory Coast of Africa. Ruth Mary Alexander is an approved candidate for work with the Wycliffe Translators, and is presently enrolled in Biola School of Missionary Medicine, expecting to work in Mexico or Peru. Following a furlough spent in Oakland, Calif., Nick and Mrs. Leman (Marian Broady ’45), have re turned to their missionary work in Ninil- chik, Alaska. Helen J. White ’20, a long time secretary at Biola is assisting in the main office. Pauline Fraas ’15, many years in Africa as a missionary is en rolled at Biola for additional training for Christian service. Former mission aries Roy and Rebecca HarrisonrFuller ’27, have moved to 3210 N. Eastern Ave., Los Angeles 32. Rebecca is recovering her health, Roy is chaplain of the Church of the Open Door choir, and daughter Ruth is employed in a local bank. I. R. Wall ’21, Box 1925, Sacra mento 9, for eighteen years a Baptist preacher, has issued a timely brochure, “America Must Repent.” Beth Albert ’47, is making a good recovery from her recent illness, and is back at work among the patients at the Kunming Lep rosarium. Forever With the Lord Following several years of failing health Mrs. Edwin E. Young of Wayne, Nebr., went home to be with the Lord January 19th. Affectionately known as The Lord’s Secretary and The Woman of Prayer, Mrs. Young had prayed out onto the field, and prayed in funds for their support, many students at Biola, as well as missionaries from other schools. Her last years were spent in the home of her son, Paul Young, 855 Poplar St., Chino, Calif., who with another son, Edwin, once pianist for Gipsy Smith, survive. “Her children arise up and call her blessed.” Page Fifteen
“ Though ye have lien among the pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold” (Psa. 68:13). Biola Flashes James E. '44 and Mrs. Halbert (Viola Bogue ’45) are among the 14 new mis sionaries just accepted for service under the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mis sion Board. Their field is India, where four members of the Major family of San Diego are working. Patricia '42, Tom ’41, Pat W., and now their younger brother, Hammond, has been accepted by this same organization. Matilda Alexan der '42, Box 122, Aberdeen, S. Dak., in charge of the Yellowstone Area of the International Child Evangelism work, snowed out of her territory, vacationed in Los Angeles, following a visit with relatives in Oregon. Violet LeFever, for mer student at Biola, and at present op erating an orphans home in Shanghai, has completed arrangements to return to her field of labor. Grace Pike-Roberts ’21, '44, has been obliged to undergo a major operation at the Behrens Memo rial Hospital, where she is making a sat isfactory recovery. Eddie Wagner '44, in a series of evangelistic meetings held in Artesia, Calif., had 57 decisions, 44 of which were for acceptance of Christ as Saviour. Edith Harris '16, still in Kenya Colony, reports a kitchen fire extin guished by her African boy, Andrew, be fore too much damage was done. She asks prayer for one of the stations where natives are threatening the lives of the missionaries. The government has sent six armed soldiers to protect lives and property, so it seems really serious. Carol Terry '40, '46, asks prayer for her final language examinations, and help in directing the teaching of teen-age girls. Otis Leal, of the Wycliffe Translators is now back in an Indian village in Oaxaca, Mexico, working hard in translation work. His mother, Mrs. Valentine Leal, 7161 Katella Ave., Anaheim, Calif., would not have him miss a single copy of the King’s Business. News has been received of the marriage> on January 23, of Virginia Sprau and Vincent Gizzi, both of the class of '48. They have made application for service under the South China Boat Mission, and may be reached at 773 33rd St., Richmond, Calif. Henry G. Rempel '27, pastor of the Brethren Church in Uniontown, Pa.,
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