DEPENDING UPON THE HOLY SPIRIT (Continued from Page H ) is filled with His praises that you are ready to pray. Their ensuing prayer was the oddest that any of us have heard or read. They did not pray for the death of their enemies, to be deliv ered from persecution, or for release from troubles. These things will never cease. Jesus Christ said “ In the world ye shall have tribulation.” They prayed for boldness to preach fearlessly in the face of ruthless enemies. We need a fearless faith. Without it we lose our message to a dying world. In this dark' day and time, we shall need all the courage, all the will power, all the “ sanctified grit” that God can give us. No matter who else may com promise, who else may beat a cowardly retreat, who else may fall by the way- side, let us pray that the Lord will give us the stamina to continue holding up the Cross of our Redeemer. The apostles asked God for miracles, for signs and wonders. We have a right to ask for miracles and also to cry for great revivals. Not only have we the right to plead for the salvation of one Jew here, another there, for Gentiles by ones or by tens; we have a right to be seech God that we may see multitudes receiving His salvation. God is glorified greatly in the salvation of one soul, but, I say unhesitatingly, God is glorified infinitely more in the salvation of one hundred or one thousand souls. I have been criticized and called “number crazy” because I was discouraged at scant returns, cheerless over two or ten conversions, when I coveted fifty or more for the Lord. I want to keep that hunger for numbers in my soul. I am heartily, soul-searingly, eternally dissat isfied with these small revivals where only half a dozen, a dozen, or a score of people come to know Christ when an entire city is in the throes of the wicked one. My God is a big God, a gigantic, titanic, world - wide, Satan - overcoming, hell-discomfiting God. We have the right to ask that God give us such a demon stration of His mighty power that people will stand in awe and trembling as they cry, “ This surely is the hand of God.” I am tired and heartbroken over these picayunish results. Week after week, and year after year, God’s people exult over little victories. I want things to happen now so that this generation may sit up and take notice that “ The Lord, He is God!” Let us pray that every time we preach or teach a Sunday school class, that every time we engage Satan, that there might be the artillery barrage from Heaven that will arouse people to the solemn realization that God is in our (Continued on Page 17) T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
THE W ISE LITTLE BIRD Teaches children to know and choose the right. “ Wise Little Bird” is a gripping story o f a bird protecting its mate and nest, presenting the Gospel in a very unique manner. Suitable for Grade or Pre-school children. Beauti fully colored kodachrome slides— 10 o f them in glass binders with illustrated color booklet. $6.00. T A B E R N A C L E S L ID ES Through the EAR
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“ Louise’s Prayer”— 10 slides, $6.00 Story booklet with each slide set. All slides 2x2 with glass binders. Order today. Folder free on request. Dept. KB, 923 South Eye St., Tacoma 3, Wash. GOSPEL SLIDE & FILM SERVICE 3 k SUMMER SCHOOL X HIT THE MARK! Join the Happy Throng and Enjoy College Training in Pleasant Summer Months • Rich College Offerings in All Divisions and Departments • Graduate Work in Theology and Christian Education • Conservatory of Music— Special Sacred Music Offerings • New Black Hills Camp— ideal Facilities for Field Study FREE TUITION during Inter-Session to full-time Christian workers JUNE 14 - 24 INTER-SESSION AND CHRISTIAN WORKER’S INSTITUTE JUNE 25 - JULY 22 FIRST FOUR-WEEK TERM JULY 23 - AUGUST 19 SECOND FOUR-WEEK TERM Write Director of the Summer School, Box KS49 for Summer School Catalog WHEATON COLLEGE Wheaton, Ill inoi s THE RUS S I AN GOS P E L A S S OC I A T I ON Continues carrying on its world-wide missionary evangelistic work, en gaging and sending out new missionaries, distributing tracts and the Holy Scriptures, supporting one Polish Bible Institute in Warsaw, Poland, and two Russian Bible Institutes, one in Toronto, Canada, and the other in Rosario, Argentina, South America. We are also sending relief to the suffering Christians in Europe, and broadcasting messages in the Russian language over two short wave radio stations, one in Quito, Ecuador, South America, and the other in Manila, P. I. Write to our office for full infor mation. If the Holy Spirit should lead you to have fellowship w,th us in preaching the gospel around the world among the Slavic-speaking people, please send us your gift. Notice we have moved from 64 West Randolph Street to our Mission Home— PETER DEYNEKA 2434 North Kedzie Blvd., Chicago 47, Illinois In Canada: 14 Park Road, Toronto 5, Canada On request we will send our magazine, “ The Russian Gospel News," Free, which includes reports on Europe by P. Deyneka and Peter Pleshko. Dept. K RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION, INC. Peter Deyneka, General Director
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