King's Business - 1949-04

REACHING THE WORLD FOR CHRIST 3 0 0 'V lliA à¿o n c i’i eeà The Scandinavian Alliance Mission is meeting the challenge of giving the Gospel to the peoples of the world still in spiritual darkness, and needs your help. Please write today for information on fields, missionary support, and S.A.M. WRITE FOR FREE COPY THE MISSIONARY BROADCASTER annuities.

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You will want this new movable realistic picture method of telling Bible stories or preaching illustrated sermons. Holds your class spellbound. Discipline problems solved. Give it a try in your class. You’ll be surprised at results. Children want to learn and they clamor for this new way of presenting Bible truth. You will double your attend­ ance. Write for free folder telling all about this new method of teaching, to— GRAPHS Dept. K, P.O. Box 145, Pasadena, Calif. Genteel,Smiling Starvation

Monthly magazine with ‘ photos, articles and reports to keep _you informed on world-wide missionary en­ deavors. Only Sr.50 a year. Subscribe Todayl Scandinavian Alliance Mission 2839 W. McLean Ave. Dept. KB Chicago 47, Illinois


Without any charge, you may have a copy o f “ Your

OHAN is a Hebrew. Christian 50 years of age. For ten years every day and every night he was hunted by the Nazis who sought to destroy his life. £ LLA, his gentile wife, is 43 years old. They are now lib­ Germany—free to suffer hunger, cold, and heart-breaking misery. Both have con­ tracted tuberculosis as a result of pro­ longed undernourishment and hardship. Now they are being helped by

Gift that Lives.” It tells of the work of the American Bible Society,beautifully illustrated with scenes from many lands and answers 31 questions about American Bible Society Annuity Agreements, that give you an assured income for life. Sent postage free. Thousands now enjoy regular incomes this way In the past 100 years, American Bible So­ ciety Annuity Agreements have been issued to thousands of men, women and children. Unlike stocks, callable bonds and mort­ gages, A.B.S. Annuities never require rein­ vestment and never depreciate in value. The rate of payment to you is the highest figure consistent with safety and still leave a gener­ ous residue for the wider circulation of the Scriptures. Your checks are mailed promptly. There are no coupons to be clipped. Your pay­ ments are the same as long as you live and are based on your present age. In addition to receiving regular payments from your Annuities, you have the joy of knowing that, in due time, a part of your Gift will continue to spread the Word of God. We feel sure that you will enjoy reading

erated and live in the Russian Zone of

THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL MISSIONARY AND RELIEF SOCIETY, INC., and their gratitude is beyond words. Here is what they w rite: “We have starved for so long now and managed to exist on dry crusts, and watery soup made of potato peelings or other waste vegetables, that we have to be very careful in using the good food you send us. We use your nourishing food to enrich our poor meals. Just a little added at a time makes a feast for us. We would sure­ ly have perished without your help.” The clothing they are wearing in this picture was sent to them by this Society. Their faint smile and expression of joy has been kindled in their hearts because of the encouragement and the love shown to them in the name of our blessed Saviour. But John and Ella are typical of thousands of others, hovering between life and death, we are helping physically and uplifting spiritually day by day, in all three zones in Germany, as well as in Austria, Hungary, Poland, France, Belgium, Holland, England, North Africa, Palestine, Canada, and in the United States. And so the love of Christ goes forth day by day in word as well as deed. Will you please make it possible for this ministry of love to continue and to reach out farther and wider for His sake and in His name? Your fellowship of love and prayer is warmly in­ vited. Please write to: The Friends of Israel Missionary & Relief Society, Inc. 728-K Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7, Pa. President Treasurer General Secretary Joseph M. Steele Dr. Joseph T. Britan Rev. Victor Buksbazen Treasurer for Canada: Rev. Bruce Millar, B.A., B.D. Principal, Alma College, St, Thomas, Ontario, Canada Our quarterly magazine, ISRAEL MY GLORY, a specially fine missionary magazine, sent to all contributors and also on request.

■“YourGift thatLives.” May we send you a copy? It’s free to all who write us. AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY


A m e r ic a n B ib l e S o c ie ty 450 Park Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. Gentlemen: Please send me. without obliga­ tion, postage prepaid, the illustrated booklet, “Your Gift that Lives.’ * KB-349 Name— Address- City— -State—

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