King's Business - 1949-04

May 22, 1949 THE CHURCH IN HAWAII AND ALASKA Luke 4:16-21

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early as 1825 the Spirit of God moved powerfully. About fifty families in La- haina began to pray and the numbers grew. Inquirers and then converts flocked like doves to the churches. In ten years more, the American Board thought the beginning of the end of its mission­ ary work had been reached.” The Results of Missionary Work in Hawaii “ To completely Christianize this group of islands, they here largely concen­ trated their working forces, sending in 1836, thirty - two additional laborers. Scarcely had these new laborers come when a tidal wave of revival swept over the islands and bore away on its crest all remaining traces of their temples. In an­ other three years the Word of God was given to the people in their own tongue. In another three years the professing disciples numbered 20,000.” What a gos­ pel we have! Missions in Alaska “ On a Sunday morning in August, 1879, there was organized by a group of Presbyterian missionaries the First American Presbyterian Church in Alas­ ka. There were eighteen natives and five whites, three of them the women missionaries. The other two were car­ penters who worked on the mission buildings. They observed the Lord’s Sup­ per together and then each gave a testi­ mony concerning their faith.” (Quoted from Artie Gateway by Florence Hayes). Thus began the work of God in the great country of Alaska. It is a difficult field but our God is able. six flourishing churches in various parts of that parish. He has maintained a suc­ cessful and constantly growing work. The Character of the Church In each of these six churches this mis­ sionary has trained leaders and Bible teachers among the natives. He has oft­ en used them in Bible teaching ministry to make preachers out of his listeners. The results have been excellent. The work in these churches is done largely by natives. The large Sunday schools are manned by consecrated and trained na­ tives. Training classes are held constant­ ly for teaching the teachers and training the workers in the many-sided ministry of the church. The offerings pay the bills. The members do the building as it is needed. The Work of the Church In each of these six churches there are gospel meetings for reaching the lost. There are young people’s meetings for training the youth. There are large Sunday schools for teaching the gospel to the children. There are classes for training in the various aspects of the Christian ministry. There are Bible study classes for women. Christians are

The Church of God is the same in all the world. It is true that these “living stones” are of various colors—brown in Hawaii, black in Africa, yellow in China, and lighter brown in Alaska, white in some countries, and red in others. The purpose and plan in their building is the same though the people and the program may differ widely. They all tell the same story. They all seek the salvation of the lost. They all desire to teach and train the Christian to live for the glory of God and the blessing of men. The following are quotations from “ The Divine Enterprise of Missions” by A. T. Pierson. History of Missions in Hawaii. “ On March 31, 1820, the brig Thad- deus, anchored off Hawaii with the first missionaries of the American Board. God had gone before them and had al­ ready struck down the idols, abolished tabu and the heathen priesthood. Ten months before this Kamehameha I had died. He had forbidden human sacrifices for his recovery or in his honor. Thus the way was prepared for the gospel. Idol temples were reduced to ashes. Na­ tives had flung away a false faith.” The Revival in Hawaii “ The first convert was the king’s mother, Keopuolani, and at the close of 1825, Kaahumance, the regent, and nine chiefs became members of the church of Christ and died in the faith. Within six years after the missionaries landed schools covered the islands with four hundred teachers and 25,000 pupils. As It is of interest to note that the Bible contains no information whatever in re­ gard to the method of founding, estab­ lishing or operating a church. The Lord has not written out a set of rules on this important subject because the conditions differ widely in different sections of the earth. The methods used in Alaska do not always apply in Mexico. The plan used in the Sudan probably would not be effective in India. The Lord seems to leave it to the local leaders to handle the church problem in the way best suited to their situation. Thus God has revealed His wisdom. The Church in Jamaica Some years ago, a young man trusted Christ in Kansas City. Shortly there­ after he laid his life at the feet of his Lord and studied for missions. After his graduation from school he went to Ja­ maica as his mission field. There in the parish of St. Thomas he found a field that was white unto harvest. He began to minister among the people. His mes­ sages were simple, gracious, but force­ ful. Many were saved under this min­ istry and he has been able to establish

May 29, 1949 THE CHURCH IN THE CARIBBEAN Acts 17:22-28

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