King's Business - 1949-04

cross, He sent two of His disciples into a village to find a colt for Him to ride. If any man asked them why they were untying the colt, they were to say, “ The Lord hath need of him.” After the disciples obeyed their Lord, they placed their garments upon the colt for their Saviour to ride more com­ fortably. Many spread their garments on the road and others placed palm branches in front of the colt. The multitude shouted, “Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” Again the Saviour found those who wanted to honor Him and sing His praises. Children may honor their Saviour today. Some may sing His praises; some may tell others the way of salvation; some may serve Him in their Sunday school, young people’s groups, or churches. Some may be leaders in His service; others may be faithful worship­ ers who follow their leaders. All may pray and read His word. To those who honor Him, He says, “ Them that honour me I will honour.” L A N T E R N S L I D E S Missionaries and Christian Workers : You can have your black and white snapshots or printed pictures turned^ into beautiful colored glass slides (2"x2" or 3%"x4") at 75 cents each. (Discount on quan­ tity.) Over 15 progressive years at this address.

Pointers on the Lesson, H omer A . K en t , T h .D. Helps for the Children, A l l iso n A rrowood

Lesson material is based upon outlines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education; used by permission.

May 1, 1949 JESUS IS KING Mark 11:1-11, 15-18

affirms His need of this part of His creation. In His plan there are many other things that the Lord needs. He has need for every talent and ability of His followers. He has chosen to work through them. Are we willing to let Him have what He needs? In our story there was this willingness—so the ass was brought to Jesus (6,7). Testimony on Occasion of the Entry ( 8 - 11 ) Those who accompanied Jesus to the city cried, “Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord” (9). They quoted Psalm 118:26, recognizing its fulfillment in Jesus. Hosanna means “ Save now” or “ Deliver, we pray.” It was something like the present-day expression, “ God save the king!”—a recognition of regal authority. For a brief moment there was a witness borne to Jesus as the rightful heir to the throne of David (10). Then, in accor­ dance with Malachi 3:1, “Jesus entered into . . . the temple.” Authority Manifest Following the Entry (15-18) In this second cleansing of the temple (cf. John 2:13-16 for the first cleansing) Christ again shows that He is Lord of the temple. He only has right to pre­ eminence in the realm of holy things. This is true also of the temple of the believer’s body. He only is worthy to control that .temple. How about your temple? Does it need cleansing? Does Christ control it? Memory Verse: “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord” (Mark 11:9). There were always some who gladly welcomed the Son of God, and others who hated to see Him coming. After the Saviour had cleansed the temple the second time, the children sang in it, “Hosanna to the son of David.” The chief priests and scribes were angry when the children honored the Lord Jesus (Matt. 21:15). Before the Saviour entered Jerusalem on His way to the Helps for the Children The People Welcome Jesus Mark 11:1-11

Pointers on the Lesson This is the first of seven lessons in a series dealing with Christ’s last week before His Crucifixion. In this lesson at4 tention is focused upon Him who is so soon to enter into His supreme suffer­ ing. A careful study of the lesson ma­ terial will make clear who He is. Reasons for the Triumphant Entry Why did Christ enter into Jerusalem as He did on this occasion? Four an­ swers are considered: (1) He came to fulfill prophecy. This event had been carefully forecast by the prophet Ze- chariah (9:9). (2) He came that atten­ tion might be focused upon Him who soon was to die as the world’s Redeemer. This was not to be “ done in a corner” (Acts 26:26). (3) He came that a fuller opportunity might be given to reveal who He was. The multitude asked when Jesus came into the city, “Who is this?” (Matt. 21:10). In various ways it was made clear that He was the Messiah, Saviour, Teacher, Lord of men and na­ ture, King, Son of God, and Son of man. (4) He came to offer Himself finally as Israel’s King (Zech. 9:9). Preparation for the Triumphal Entry (1-7) An animal was provided for the Lord to ride upon. No man had ever sat on it before (2). When it came time for His body to be laid in a tomb, He was placed in a tomb “wherein was never man yet laid” .(John 19:41). Both these instances witness to the fact that though in many respects Christ was a man like us, yet there is a wonderful sense in which He was separate from all the sons of men; He certainly had a ministry that was altogether unique. He stands by Himself. The Lord’s instruction to the disci­ ples, in case they were questioned as they took the ass from the place where he was tied, was, “ The Lord hath need of him.” Though Christ was the Crea­ tor of the humble animal, yet now He

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to any evangelical Christian Minister, Sunday School or Missionary Superin­ tendent, one copy of "PROVE- ME NOW HEREWITH" for each family in his congrega­ tion, providing he will agree to give a talk on TITHING before distribution. Write stating number of leaflets desired to

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Israel is God’s olive tree, into which believers from among the gentiles (wild olives) were grafted when “some of the branches were broken off.” (Rom. 11:17) But God will graft in again the natural branches. • Will You Speed the Day? 16 Missionaries now preach­ ing Christ to the Jews through your support. Doors opening almost daily to new fields of witness. Remember your debt to God’s Ancient People! William Culbertson Chairman of the Board Hyman J. Appelman,

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