Rev. Elmer L. Wilder
Illustrated by Gladys Bowman
April 3, 1949 L o n g a n d W r o n g Objects: Four alarm clocks.
April 10, 1949 W e ’ l l C o m e a n d W e l c o m e
Object: A piece of paper 8% x 11 inches. (Fold each end to within % inch of the middle, leaving a gap of % inch. In this space print the word, “ CHIL DREN.” Open the folds and using the letters in this word, complete the fol lowing words, “ COME, CHRIST IS STILL FORBIDDING OLDER PEO PLE’S HINDERING.” Begin the lesson with the flaps folded in front, showing only the word “ CHILDREN.” ) Lesson: As we look at this piece of paper on which the word “ CHILDREN” is printed, we are reminded of the time when little children were brought to the Lord Jesus Christ, in order that He might put His hands on them and bless them. Doubtless it was the parents who were to bring the children. When the children were being brought to Jesus for His blessing, the disciples saw what was happening, and we are told that they rebuked or scolded those who brought the children. It was not long until Christ saw what these parents were trying to do, and how some were discouraging them. The Bible tells us that “He was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14).
Lesson: All four of these alarm clocks are ringing at the same time, but only one is right. This big one is making a great deal of noise, but it is not telling the truth. It says that it is four o’clock, and instead it is ten. This clock reminds me of those people who thought Christ was John the Baptist. They made a loud noise in expressing their opinion of Him, but their opinion was wrong. The second clock is like those people who said that Christ was Elias. Instead of giving the correct time, this clock says it is. six o’clock. The fact that these people thought Christ was a .great prophet returned from Heaven to earth did not excuse them for not knowing who He was.
Bible Institute Building
Following is the Present Schedule of Meetings of Dr. Louis T. Talbot, President: March 19, 20, 21—Dinuba, Calif., spon sored by the Biola Alumni Associa tion, Mr. Dave Hofer, president, Sat urday, Youth for Christ. April 2-8—Western Baptist Bible Col lege, Oakland, Calif., of which Dr. H. O. Van Gilder is president. April 10-17—Prophetic Conference in Moore Theater, Seattle, Washington, sponsored by Christian Business Men’s Committee, Dr. N. A. Jeppson, chair man. Easter message in Seattle Sta dium. May 1-8—First Brethren Church, Long Beach, Calif., Rev. Chas. W. Mayes, pastor. May 15-22—»-Bell Baptist Church, Bell, Calif., Rev. Robert L. Hubbard, pas tor. President Talbot and other members of Biola staff will be available for evan gelistic meetings and Bible confer ences; inquiries should be addressed to Extension Dept., Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 S. Hope St., Los An geles 13, California.
Then there were others who said that He was one of the old prophets risen again. They were like this third alarm clock, which says in a loud voice that it is eight o’clock. Christ asked those who knew Him best and loved Him most: “ But whom say ye that I am?” Peter said: “ Thou art the Christ” (Mark 8:29). This was the only correct answer. The fourth clock says that it is ten o’clock, which is correct. It did not make more noise than the others, but every tinkle of the bell was telling the truth. We are living in days when people are saying many things about Christ. Some are saying that He was a great teacher, but He was more than a teach er. Some are saying that He was the only perfect man, but He was more than man. Peter was able to give the correct answer because Christ was his Saviour. When a person tells me his opinion of Christ, I know whether or not he is a Christian. The person who is truly saved will give the true answer—that Christ is God’s Son, the Saviour of the world. The world’s greatest need is to recognize Christ as the Son of God, and to accept Him as Saviour. Whom do YOU say that He is?
Further we read, “And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them” (v. 16). We often hear people say that they would like to have lived in the days of Christ and had His hands placed on their heads in blessing. That would have been wonderful, but we must remember that Jesus Christ is “ the same yester day, and today, and forever” (Heb. 13:8). We will open this paper and see what we find on the inside. It reads, “ COME, CHRIST IS STILL FORBIDDING O L D E R PEOPLE’S HINDERING.” What a wonderful message this is for boys and girls today—to be told that Christ is still wanting them to come to Him and that He will receive them. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
ALPHABET QUIZ (Continued from Page 21)
A—Asher B—bishop C—cedar D—Damascus E—earring F—fig G—Galilee H—Hermon I—Italy J—jasper K—Korah L—leopard M—mantle Page Twenty-eight
N—Nebuchadnezzar 0—organ P—Pharaoh Q—quail R—rose S—Sadducees
T—thorn U—Uriah V—vinegar W—wrestling Y—yoke Z—Zephaniah
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