King's Business - 1949-04


A WORD O F APPRECIATION FROM AUSTRALIA 5 Malabar Rd., Blackburn, Victoria, Australia I am doing something tonight which I have been going to do for the past year . I would like to express to you my heart­ felt praise and gratitude for your maga­ zine which has been such a great help to my wife and myself in our Sunday school teaching . Needless to say, we look anxiously every month for the object les­ sons which you are kind enough to pub­ lish,


5 CENTS PER WORD—MINIMUM $1.00 RELIGIOUS LIBRARIES PURCHASED. Send list or write for details. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. WRITE FOR FREE OLD TIME FUNDAMENTAL BIBLE TRACTS. This is a faith work. Berean Tract Service, 2317—4th Ave., Seattle 1, Wash. BIBLES, BOOKS, REBOUND, REPAIRED. 28 years experience. Send for prices. Bible Hospital, 1001 South Harwood, Dallas 1, Texas. PIPE ORGANS, REED ORGANS AND PIANOS. All reconditioned and guaranteed. Also electronic instruments. Write Cannarsa Organ Company, Hollidaysburg, Pa. “MELODIES OF HIS GRACE." Frank Cotting- ham’s sacred songs since 1918. 80 pages, 75 cents. Solo Shop, 532 Ryerson Ave., Elgin, 111.___________ EL RENO GOSPEL BOOK STORE, 109 North Rock Island, El Reno, Oklahoma. Your home of Christian literature. Write today for Free Catalog. FIVE NEW GOSPEL SONGS: “My Mansion in Glory,” “ Jesus Is Mine,” “ I am Saved Because He Came,” “My Saviour’s Face,” “ Jesus My Sav­ iour and King.” All for $1.00. No stamps please. G. L. Griswold, 30 Orawaupum St., White Plains, N. Y. NEW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN ANY quantity for distribution to the unsaved: “What Have YOU Done with Christ?” “ The Most Impor­ tant Question of Today.” “ Judge or Saviour.” “ The Resurrection Body.” “ Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the World’s HIS­ TORY.” Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kansas. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SETTING for your hymn-poem, assures editorial considera­ tion. Music composing, arranging, editing and printing. Folders free. Raymond Iden (K.B), Mount Vernon, Ohio. GOSPEL OBJECT LESSONS AND VISUAL AIDS. Send 20c receive one lesson and complete list of material. Charles Morrison, Nichols, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED—TO SELL OUR BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, carefully selected religious books, song books, fine writing, mimeograph printing papers, etc. Liberal commission. Write today for samples and prices. Henry Rising Co., 124 W. Fourth St., Los Angeles 13, California.___________ “MOVIE-MITE” 16MM SOUND PROJECTOR, smallest, lightest, lowest priced. Demonstrator’s $225 model, new guarantee—$178.50. Originally 298.50! Schirmacher, Cottonwood, Arizona.



THAT MEN MAY KNOW (1939), THAT MEN MAY BELIEVE (1939), THAT MEN MAY LIVE (1939), THAT MEN MAY SEE (1940). This series of four books by the well-known blind evangelist, Dr. Walter D. Kallenbach, has been a source of blessing to many. The first book presents the basic truths of our faith, including such sermons as “ The First Message of Salvation” and “ Founda-' tions of Belief.” The second contains sermons based on incidents from the Gospel of John. The third is a collection of sermons centering in :the cross. The fourth points men to the way to sfeht in the spiritual realm. The books are interesting, forceful and evangelical, and reveal both the deep spirituality and sound scholarship of their author. They show his consecrated imagination, as in the sermons, “ Silhouettes of Faith” and “ Pictures That Speak” , and his ability to apply the Gospel to life, as in “ The Possibilities of a Positive Personality.” There are minor flaws: the frequent alliterations are sometimes forced and mechanical ; and his interpretation of John 3 :5 (in “ That Men May Believe,” pp. 52, 53) is ultra-realistic, and would be rejected by most New Testament scholars. But small faults should not be allowed to conceal the conspicuous merit of this series. All who love the pure Gospel, presented against the background of conservative Christian scholarship, will find much inspiration and instruction in these books. Northland Publishing House, St. Paul. $1.00 each. UNDER A THATCHED ROOF IN A BRAZILIAN JUNGLE, by Mrs. Rosemary Cunningham. Writ­ ten by one of the missionaries ministering the Good News to the very jungle people who took the lives of the “ Three Freds” , first missionaries to penetrate the deep forests of Brazil with the Gospel. This little book portraying pioneer mis­ sionary life and work among the murderous Indian tribes of South America, captivates the interest and holds the attention of the reader from start to finish. 126 pages. Evangelical Pub­ lishers, Toronto 1, Canada. Cloth. Price $1.50. THE TRAVELS AND ADVENTURES OF ST. PAUL, by Howard Palmer Young. A Actionized series of biographical sketches of the life of the great Apostle of the Gentiles. We fear that the truth sometimes suffers in volumes of this charac­ ter. 246 pages, cloth, price $2.00. W. A. Wilde Co., Boston, Mass. SINGING STORIES, by Lena Seley Lawrence. Stories in song that are different, for boys and girls. A group of short, singable, attractive numbers that will gain the interest and co-opera­ tion of youngsters, as well as adults. A unique way of conveying Old and New Testament truths concerning the Lord Jesus by tuneful means. 52 pages. Singing Stories, San Jose, Calif. Paper ; price $1.00. THE IMPACT OF CHRISTIANITY ON THE NON-CHRISTIAN WORLD, by Dr. J. H. Bavinck. This book undertakes an evaluation of the church’s missionary task today. The author is now Pro­ fessor of Missions in the Free University of Amsterdam after serving 20 years in Indonesia, first as a missionary, and then as a teacher in the mission training school. The book views problems from the standpoint of missionary urgency and sound theological scholarship. 183 pages, cloth, price $2.50. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. AFRICA LOOKS AHEAD, by W. Singleton Fisher and Julyn Hoyte. Here is the interesting story of Walter and Anna Fisher, a young sur­ geon, and his wife, a trained nurse, as they serve Christ in Central Africa. During the course of their interesting life, they have founded a hospital, _ an orphanage, and a school, as well as carrying on an extensive itinerating evangelis­ tic ministry.. 212 pages. Cloth. Pickering & Inglis, Glasgow, Scotland. Price (estimated) $3.00 or $4.00. BRIEFING THE BIBLE, by J. Vernon McGee, Th. D. This volume includes brief introductory outlines of the books of the Bible valuable to one reading the Scriptures through in a year. A feature of each section is a list of “ Recom­ mended Books” to aid in Bible study. It is sug­ gested that lectures augment this material in connection with group study, while the reading of the Bible itself is urged upon all users of these outlines. 120 pages. Paper. Price $1.00. May be obtained from the author, Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles.

We are conducting six schools every Sunday , as well as weekday missions for children , and the children we contact are rough and ready , but they are lovely. Your object lessons have been the means of leading many a child to Jesus Christy so once again we thank you. Yours in Him, (Mr.) C . Hemming J. HUDSON TAYLOR, by Basil Miller. A fresh, timely, and profitable approach to the life of China’s greatest missionary. 136^ pages. Cloth. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Price $1.50. HYMN STORIES OF THE 20TH CENTURY, by William J. Hart, M.A., D.D. A rather different approach to a number of hymns as viewed through the life of the author, grouped together under chapters showing the impression of the occasion. Interestingly writtten, and readable. 140 pages, cloth. W. A. Wilde Co., Boston, Mass. Price $1.75. WILLIAM EDWARD BIEDERWOLF, by Ray E. Garrett. Here is a limited biographical sketch of this gifted preacher by a graduate of Winona Lake School of Theology which was started by Dr. Biederwolf. 116 pages. Cloth. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Price $1.50. MOMENTS OF MEDITATION, by James Hair, M.A. A series of 36 fine devotional messages. 112 pages. Cloth. Pickering & Inglis, Glasgow, Scot­ land. Price $2.00 WINDOWS OF THOUGHT, by David R. Piper. A series of 52 illustrative stories concerning everyday Christian life and faith. Valuable for pastors and Sunday school teachers. 148 pages. Cloth. W. A. Wilde Co., Boston, Mass. Price $1.50. THE SOLACE OF SHADOWLAND, by R. D. JOHNSON, M.A. A book of assurances for per­ plexing days. 148 pages, cloth. Pickering & Inglis, Glasgow, Scotland. Price (estimated) $2.75. THE MISSIONARY AND PRIMITIVE MAN, by Gordon Hedderly Smith. This volume will prove to be of great value as a tool in the hands of missionaries the world over. It offers an intimate insight into primitive life. Heathen religions, practices, and beliefs are dealt with from the vantage point of a pioneer missionary. Mr. Smith’s views are conservative and practical as well as illuminating. 200 pages. Cloth. Van Kampen Press, Chicago, 111. Price $2.50. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Give it to EVERY CHURCH FAMILY Christian Home Life encourages family de* votions, draws home and church closer. An inspiring quarterly for everybody, with photos, poems, things to do, inspiration, picture stories, meditations, prayers. Give this Christian reading to every family; it costs so very little, does so very much., <54 big pages, two colors. Only 20c per quarter in lots of 5 copies or more to same address. Send today for free sample copy; also information on Standard True* to-the-Bible Sunday school literature. The Standard Publishing Co. 20 East Central Parkway Cincinnati 10, Ohio

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