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Dear Christian Friend: Once again there comes to ns that season of the year which commemorates the mightiest of all miracles, the resurrection of our Lord from the dead. What a glad season it is with its renewing of the assurance of life, and its jubilant song of Redemption through Him who is declared to be the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead. But Easter brings no such assurance, no such note of joy to the few millions of Messiah’s “ race” left upon the earth today. Indeed no event in the church’s calendar brought such dread and suffering, such bitterness and blight, into Jewish hearts and communities, as did this event through many centuries. Still less does Easter bring any hope or gladness to the hearts of those tragic thousands of Jewish Christian orphans still languishing in Europe. And it seems as if the world does not care any more for old people, and there are hundreds of old folks who are Jewish believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. Surely their plight and need are more than a responsibility, more than a challenge. It is a test of the divine compassion which should be characteristic of every believing heart. These Hebrew Christians need help to emigrate to lands of dignity and opportunity. To others, loving gifts of food and clothing can make more real the joy and hope of Easter. For a few dollars per month a Jewish Christian orphan in Germany or Hungary can be maintained. Surely the responsi bility is ours. In the name of our Risen Lord this ministry of mercy is presented to you. May the Lord of all mercy move upon the hearts of His people to meet this need and to express His mercy in the spiritual and material aid we can render. If God leads you to have fellowship with us in this holy cause, send your gift to the Interdenominational Jewish Missionary Society of North America NORTH SIDE BRANCH, P.O. BOX K-34, Atlanta 5, Georgia REV. PAUL L. BERMAN, Honorary Gen. Secretary J . J . TIMLIN ESQ. Treasurer Rev. Lewis Sperry Chafer, Litt.D. Rudolph C. Logefeil, M.D. Rev. Wilbur M. Smith, D.D. Rev. Graham Gilmer, D.D. Rev.Oscar R. Lowry, D.D. Rev. T. Stanley Soltau, D.D. Rev. Everett F. Harrison, Ph.D. Rev.John H. McComb, D.D. Rev. Louis T. Talbot, D.D. Rev. Albert J. Lindsay, D.D. Rev. J. Vernon McGee, D.Theo.
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