2022 Annual Report - El Paso Police Department


Pre-Service – In 2022, Pre-Service graduated their first ever 10.5-month academy class with well over 1400 hours of training for each recruit and simultaneously, started three overlapping academy classes. The pre-service academy continued to add to the required State of Texas mandated training hours by supplementing with practical applications. Pre-Service also continued to abide by the training academy’s training philosophy in using course material, unconventional to law enforcement, to achieve a holistic approach to develop a complete law enforcement professional. All recruits met and or exceeded the physical fitness standards imbedded into the program over the ten- and half-month program. Each recruit received special one on one developmental and mentorship and guidance. Training Academy In-Service – In 2022, the Admin section was able to successfully facilitate all NEXTEST and CJIS testing with one hundred percent compliance and no expirations. The admin section also assisted in training multiple classes of tele communicators in order to assist them in obtaining their tele communicators license. The Admin section was also in 2022 in service training conducted a large-scale Integrated Response training cycle. Integrated Response trained over one thousand officers and over five hundred officers that belonged to outside agencies in a training that focused on working alongside multiple agencies in a critical incident. The training allowed officers and supervisors to become proficient with the incident command structure and how to properly allocate resources with other agencies in the event of a critical incident. In service training continued to abide by the training philosophy standard that has been set by providing our officers and outside agencies with the opportunities to convey new policies and tactics to officers, to refresh knowledge, and to reinforce skills learned in previous recruit or specialized training courses.

Training Academy

Hours Taught to Civilians Civilians taught Hours Taught to Officers Officers taught Courses Taught For Civilians Courses Taught For Officers Courses Taught For Cadets Presentations

4,582 535 100,307 17,835 28 1,155 300 5

2022 Annual Report

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