2022 Annual Report - El Paso Police Department


Property Office – The Property Office collects property and evidence from all regional command centers to include the EPIA. They process and in-take cases on an average of 1,500 cases per month. It takes the in-taking staff approximately 3.5 hours per day to collect from the three designated scheduled Regional Commands which includes the travel time to and from, collecting, and unloading the property. The Property Office averages approximately 22 customers per month at our front counter with RTOs (Property returned to Owner). The property and evidence staff also attend and schedule RTOs via telephone request from the public and the District Attorney’s Office. DA property request for evidence average 50-100 cases per week. Property Office focused on reducing a five month backlog of evidence. A plan to reduce the backlog of evidence has already been implemented, and in the past two months the Disposition Specialists have been assisting with processing property and evidence. By implementing this plan, we have reduced the backlog from five months down to one month. A productivity increase of 39.6%. To elevate the added duties of the Disposition Staff in-taking property, Supervisors and Sworn personnel are researching alcohol and bumper cases related to accidents for disposition and destruction.

the clearing of shelving space and inventory to accommodate new property submissions. Narcotics Custodians – Over the course of 2022, the Narcotic Custodians, consisting of two officers, collected 2,954 cases. At the request of the District Attorney’s Office, 1,399 narcotic cases were requested to be taken to NMS Labs for analysis. The request for analysis is necessary for court purposes. During the course of the year, the Narcotic Custodians were called out 27 times both on and off duty to assist in the collection of narcotics. Both patrol and Detectives with the Department’s Narcotics unit requested assistance. Additionally, 125 cases were researched for destruction. This resulted in utilizing the El Paso Sheriff’s incinerator to destroy 3,430 pounds of narcotics. NIBIN – During 2022, the Ballistic Intelligence Unit (BIU), comprising of one detective and one officer, in the course of their regular duties also assisted six outside agencies with the submission of their cartridge casings. These agencies included ATF, DEA, Socorro PD, El Paso Sheriff’s Office, Horizon PD, and Las Cruces, NM, PD. The BIU Officers assisted these outside agencies, in triaging 389 casings, and submitted 174 acceptable casings into the ATF BrassTrax System for comparison. As a result eight leads were developed. By assisting outside agencies this helps to identify potential offenders, remove weapons off the streets, while making the community and surrounding areas of El Paso County Safer. BESA Metal Shredder – In February 2022, The Property Office obtained a BESA heavy-duty metal shredder to assist in the disposal of abandoned or seized property items. The items consisting of firearms, swords, electronics, and other items can be safely and effectively destroyed. Monthly, it is estimated that approximately 300-350 items will be destroyed utilizing this equipment. This will allow for

Evidence and Property Office

Money Cases: Intake/Processed Cases Returned to Owner Auction Cases: Cases Researched Items Sent to Auction Auction Dollar Amount Narcotics Cases: Cases Collected by Regions Jewelery Cases: Intake/Processed Cases Returned to Owner Gun Cases: Intake/Processed Cases Returned to Owner

173 10

916 160

287 41

183 1,431 $9,802

Victim Services – Victim Services Response Team (VSRT) continued to provide services by reaching out to approximately 9,500 victims. VSRT coordinated volunteer recruitments with volunteer specialist Astrid Mann throughout the year. Additionally, VSRT attended a total of two weeks at two different trainings to further develop their skills.

2,954 1,399 27

Cases Submitted to Lab for Testing Call-Outs to Collect Narcotics

2022 Annual Report

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