SERC 101 Agenda

Agenda SERC is committed to providing training and non-binding guidance to industry stakeholders regarding emerging and revised Reliability Standards. However, compliance depends on a number of factors including the precise language of the Standard, the specific facts and circumstances, and the quality of evidence. Purpose: Provide attendees on Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program (CMEP basics. Target audience is new registered entities and entity staff who may be new to the energy industry, the compliance area, or those who would like a refresher on CMEP basics.

Agenda WebEx Logon 2020 Outreach

Antitrust Guidelines Confidentiality Policy Standards of Conduct Acronyms Questions for SERC Registered Entity Forum Speaker Bios Click on speaker’s name in agenda.

Monday, February 10, 2020

2:00 p.m.


Todd Curl - SERC Senior Manager of Compliance Monitoring

2:05 p.m.

SERC’s Role

Drew Slabaugh - SERC

- Electric Reliability Organization (ERO)

Legal Counsel

- Delegation Agreement

2:15 p.m.

Technical Committees - Overview

Gaurav Karandikar - SERC Manager, RAPA & Technical Services


Peter Heidrich - SERC

2:25 p.m.

- Registration Changes

Senior Coordinator, Certification and Registration

- Certifications - BES Exceptions - CORES

2:40 p.m.


Todd Curl - SERC

- Compliance Monitoring Methods - 2020 CMEP Implementation Plan - ISME Program

Senior Manager of Compliance Monitoring


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