Winter PEG 2019

Registrar & CEO's Message Member Experience Program We’re in the middle of creating a new online relationship with members. Although the launch happens later in 2020, its development has been underway for more than a year. In 2018, about 7,700 members responded to our survey on the subject. You told us that you want modern, fast, and easy-to-use online services. You want these services to be visually appealing, with a similar look and feel across func- tions. You want more control of your information, and you want regular notifications to help you manage your regulatory obligations. We heard you and are confident that our Member Experi- ence Program will meet those desires and much more. A Few Final 2019 Reminders Members are connected to everything we do. As profes- sionals, we must always keep in sight who it is we ultimately serve: the public. They deserve our efforts and vigilance. Christmas is just around the corner, and then APEGA’s centennial year arrives. We’ll be turning the spotlight on a century of engineering and geoscience achievement through self-regulation. Let’s welcome the attention and excitement that our centennial celebrations will generate. In the meantime, I wish you and yours a wonderful holi- day season. Special greetings go out to APEGA President George Eynon, P.Geo., and the elected executive and Council, along with all our other APEGA volunteers and the dedicated staff I have the pleasure to lead. It’s been a great year, and I’m excited to celebrate our 100th birthday next year. Some things really do keep getting better with age! A century well built!



of our permit holders must accurately reflect our require- ments. The procedures in their own Professional Practice Management Plans must be followed. The learning goes both ways. We’re finding out about the common challenges our permit holders face, which we’re now addressing in the materials we create for them. We’ve also increased our resourcing, to make our review system more thorough and robust. Over the past two years, we’ve initiated 65 practice reviews. In 2019 alone, our reviewers have spent 93 days on-site with permit holders. CPD Assessments We’re also increasing the number of assessments we do of the records you submit under our mandatory Continu- ing Professional Development (CPD) program. In 2019 so far, the number of assessments has reached 5,583—far more than in any other year. We do our best to simplify the CPD compliance process for members, while ensuring rigorous oversight in keeping the public safe. Watch for stories on in the new year about the common challenges we find in these reviews and tips on how you can proactively address them. Competency-Based Assessment In 2018, we rolled out our competency-based assess- ment (CBA) system for examining the experience of engi- neering applicants. Now we’re working on a similar system for geoscientists. CBA requires some up-front work from applicants to show how they meet the experiential competencies required to be good engineers. CBA is the self-regulatory gold stan- dard for assessing experience, and our version is tailored for the competencies required to practise professionally in Alberta. These and other improvements in our registration pro- cess were already underway when the GoA announced Bill 11, the Fair Registration Practices Act . Regulations under this Act will require more action from us. In this area, we plan to work closely with APEGA’s Board of Examiners to stream- line and improve our processes.

Candidates Announced for Centennial Year Council

Who will you choose in 2020 to serve the public and represent the APEGA professions on our governance team? The nomination process for our centennial year election is complete and candidates are preparing their messages. That means it’s time for members to start thinking about who to vote for in APEGA Election 2020.

Three candidates seek the President-Elect position for the 2020-2021 term and 16 others hope to serve three-year terms on Council. Four Council seats will be filled. Elected last year as President-Elect was John Van der Put, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.), so he automatically advances to the presidency in 2020-2021.

Questions or comments?

You can vote for up to four candidates for Council and one for incoming President.

LINKS Legislative Review Professional Practice Management Plan CPD Program Competency-Based Assessment Member Experience Program

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