Autumn term collection


Friday 14th Sept Tuesday 25th Sept Monday 8th Oct Friday 12th Oct Wednesday 24th Oct Friday 26th Oct HALF TERM Wednesday 7th Nov Friday 9th Nov Thursday 29th Nov W.C 3/12/18 Friday 14th Dec Tuesday 18th Dec Friday 21st Dec

EYFS coffee morning Teddy Bear's picnic Nursery closed– Parent consultations FS1 Phonics workshop Let's do it day (Harvest) Finale day HALF TERM

Bhangra Dancing FS2 Open Day

EYFS Autumn 2018 Nursery

Achievement day Trip to see Santa Christmas Fayre Christmas performance Party Day

Notices Coats & Waterproofs Our curriculum is equally shared between inside and

outside learning regardless of the weather. Please help your child to put on their coat independently. We have a full set of outdoor clothing, including wellies, and children will be ‘suited & booted’ if they want to play outdoors when it is raining. Library Books We run our own home-school library. Each child will be given a library book. Please share this with your child throughout the week and return the book to us every Friday. If the book gets lost or damaged we ask that you either reimburse the cost or replace the book. Family photo Please could you send in a family photo that you would be willing to have displayed in the Nursery. This will help your child settle into Nursery and also prompt discussions within family groups. Thank You

Mrs S Gaxherri– Nursery Teacher Mrs A Gould– Teacher Mrs J Warhurst—LSP Mrs A Arif– LSP Miss R Lewis—LSA

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey


Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail:

EYFS In Nursery we follow the EYFS, a copy of which is on our website. There are 17 areas of learning made up of 3 specific areas: Personal Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication & Language and 4 prime areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design. The learning opportunities and activities in Nursery are designed to enable children to develop across all of these areas of learning. Children will become independent learners and make choices about their activities, balanced with an appropriate range of adult-led learning. Children will have free access to both the inside, outdoor and all-weather areas. ICT In Nursery ICT includes a wide range of technology e.g. using moving toys, remote controls, walkie-talkies, telephones, CD players, using knobs and pulleys as well as computers, tablets and iPads. Nursery children will have an opportunity to use computers in the Nursery.


We will be reading some of our favourite stories

and will encourage the children to join in with

Amazing Me

repeated and familiar phrases. The children will

During the first half term the children will become more confident to leave their Parents and Carers and go into Nursery happily. Our Key worker system will provide your child with a safe, secure and familiar adult to build a relationship with in the early days. It is very important that your child feels safe and happy; we will read lots of books about settling into Nursery and want to make them feel as relaxed as possible. Therefore we will be talking a lot about their home and families in order to make the transition as familiar as possible. We will also ask you and your child about their interests and will aim to provide activities and experiences linked to these where possible. The children will be encouraged to be as independent as possible and will learn about going to the toilet and washing their hands, personal hygiene and healthy eating. During this period of adjustment it is important that the children develop strong relationships with adults and their peers, they will learn how to make friends, play well together and begin to solve their own conflicts. They will also learn how to make good, independent choices for their own learning and how to look after the Nursery environment. Amazing Me is a lovely topic to start the year off. We will talk about similarities and differences between the children and their families, we will draw self portraits and learn about different parts of the body. The children will be encouraged to learn about different religions and cultures as well as talking about themselves and special times or events in their own lives.

look at books independently, beginning to recognise

and discuss illustrations and familiar print within

the environment. We will also be singing lots of

familiar Nursery Rhymes and will learn some new

ones too!

The children will engage in a range of mark making

experiences and fine motor challenges in order to

prepare their fingers for writing! They will enjoy

drawing, painting, threading, play dough and much

more. They will use resources such as tweezers, and

media such as shaving foam to get those fingers



The children will begin to recognise numbers,

patterns and shapes in the environment. They will

become familiar with the structure of the day

through using a visual timetable and discussions

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

about what happens next. The children will use

Numicon as apparatus for counting. We will sing lots

of number songs and have plenty of opportunities

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail:

for Maths through indoor and outdoor learning.


Friday 14th Sept Friday 21st Sept Tuesday 25th Sept Monday 8th Oct Tuesday 9th Oct Wednesday 10th Oct Friday 12th Oct Wednesday 24th Oct Friday 26th Oct HALF TERM Wednesday 7th Nov Friday 9th Nov Wednesday 14th Nov Thursday 29th Nov W.C 3/12/18 Friday 14th Dec Tuesday 18th Dec Friday 21st Dec

EYFS coffee morning FS2 Phonics workshop Teddy Bear’s picnic Nursery closed– Parent consultations

FS2 Parents’ evening FS2 Parents’ evening FS1 Phonics workshop Let's do it day (Harvest) Finale day HALF TERM

Foundation Stage 2—Reception Autumn 2018

Bhangra Dancing FS2 Open Day Nurse Visit

Achievement day Trip to see Santa Christmas Fayre Christmas performance Party Day


Coats & Waterproofs Our curriculum is equally shared between inside and

outside learning regardless of the weather. Please help your child to put on their coat independently. We have a full set of outdoor cloth- ing, including wellies, and children will be ‘suited & booted’ if they want to play outdoors when it is raining. Forest School During the year, your child will take part in Forest School sessions in the desig- nated Forest School area within our school grounds. It is led by a qualified Forest School practitioner and offers children the opportunity to learn outside and become confident, independent and creative learners. Please see the Class Page for more details.

RA - Miss Saghir and Mrs Jones RS - Miss Supple, Miss White, Mrs Raje RB - Mrs Bhatoe and Miss Gornall Mrs Brighton, Miss Andrews and Mrs Gould will work with all classes.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Infants Maurice Road, Smethwick B67 5LR Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail:

Maths Working with numbers to 20, children will be taught how to count accurately, recognise numbers, show an interest in numbers in the environment and develop mathematical language such as more and less. The children will count, compare objects and use the language of height and money and will record numbers through a variety of maths activities. They will also investigate 2D shapes, creating pictures and patterns.

Physical Development Develop their fine and gross motor skills through; fine motor activities pencil control, tracing, threading, manipulating materials such as play dough, independently fastening coats, buttons, zips and shoes. Gross motor activities will include - PE, gym, outdoor play, riding scooters, jumping, running, travelling and relay games/races.

In Reception (FS2) the curriculum is divided into three prime areas of learning and four specific areas. Your child will experience a variety of fun activities that are equally planned for throughout the topics.

The 4 Specific areas are:  English  Maths 

The 3 Prime areas are:


  

Understanding of the World Children will listen and respond to stories in RE and will develop ICT skills through age appropriate activ- ities. They will think of their own ideas, find ways to solve problems and explore new ways to do things through investigations and using their senses.

Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design

Communication & Language

Physical Development

English The children will engage in a range of writing tasks, reading in groups, individual reading and shared class reading. The children will participate in daily phonics sessions (Letters & Sounds Phase 2). They will learn how to look at books carefully, showing an interest in illustrations and print. Children will begin to recognise sounds in words, identifying sounds in the environment. Children will give meaning to mark making such as name writing, lists and labels.

Throughout the topic – All About Me! the children will….

PSED Learn about the rules and routines. Take part in circle time activities based on themselves, and building confidence and self-esteem. Taking turns and sharing. They will recognise and talk about their personal achievements and interests, whilst they begin to develop the skills to become independent learners. Participate in circle time activities, role play opportunities, speaking and listening tasks, re-tell stories and rhymes. They will begin to work together, learning how to take turns when speaking and listening to others in small groups. They will become more confident to talk about their individual interests and achievements. Communication & Language

Expressive Arts & Design Children will build a repertoire of songs and dances. They will also engage in drama, role play and social interaction. The children will experiment to create different textures through painting, collage, dough models and construction models. Children will develop their imagination through role play opportunities in the home corner and topic areas.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail:


Meet the teacher

Tuesday 11th September

Trip to Black Country Museum

1P Monday 24th September 1CP Wednesday 26th September 1D Friday 28th September Tuesday & Wednesday 9th & 10th October

Parent’s evening

Key Stage 1 Autumn 2018 Year 1

Harvest festival

Wednesday 24th October (am)

Break up for half term

Friday 26th October

Thursday 8th November

Be Brave Day

Achievement Day

Thursday 29th November

Victorian dress up day

Monday 3rd December

Christmas Fayre

Friday 14th December

Carols at Abbey

Wednesday 19th December

Christmas party day

Friday 21st December

Break up for Christmas holidays

Friday 21st December

Throughout Autumn, we will be supporting the children in managing their emotions through relaxation and coping strategies. The children will then be continuing their use of the ‘STOP’ strategies to ensure a happy and safe environment. S.T.O.P– Several Times On Purpose. Start Telling Other People.

TEACHERS Mrs Piper (1P) Mrs Donnelly (1D) Mrs Day (1D) Mrs Chance (1CP) Mrs Phillips (1CP) SUPPORT STAFF Mrs Broadbent

The children have settled well in their new classes and are adjusting to their new learning environment—well done!

Mr Knight Mrs Bond

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Infants Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail:

PE P.E this term is on the following days. 1D Thursday 1P Thursday 1CP Either Monday or Wednesday Please make sure PE Kits are available on both days. Please ensure that your child has the cor- rect kit in school including pumps (all named please). This term, we will be focusing on gymnastics and games. Computing We will be looking at basic ICT skills and developing our programming skills using pro- grammable toys. RE During Autumn 1 Year 1 will be thinking about what puzzles us and life’s big ques- tions. We will give the children the oppor- tunity to answer questions and explore oth- ers’ points of view. In Autumn 2 we learn from the stories of Jesus.


In Year 1 we will start by writing a short piece about our summer holidays. Through our Talk for Write we will be looking at the features of traditional tales such as The Little Red Hen and will be teaching the children the importance of capital letters, full stops and the use of adjectives in their writing. We will also spend time looking at Christmas poetry and will use our trip to the Black Country Museum as an opportunity to complete a cross-curricular recount. We will be looking at number, with a focus on counting forwards and backwards, number recognition and formation. Time will be spent ensuring that the children have a secure understanding of numbers to 10/20 and the different ways in which these numbers can be represented. The children will be encouraged to use equipment when adding and subtracting to support their learning such as number lines, 100 squares, counters and Numicon. This term we will be focusing on our 2 and 10 times tables, making sure we know them by heart. We will also be learning about 2d shapes. Science Year 1 will be looking at materials and observing their similarities and differences. They will investigate why certain materials are chosen for their purposes. Throughout the year, Year 1 will also be tracking the weather during the four seasons using weather charts in their classrooms. Maths

The Victorians This topic is all about comparing our present lives with those of the Victorians, looking at schools, work and homes. We will be using drama, books, the Internet and a visit to The Black Country Living Museum to learn more about the topic and to explore Victorian toys. Design Technology We will be making a Victorian Doll as part of the Victorians topic. This involves designing and making the toy, collecting materials, attaching materials and evaluating the end product. Art This term we will be looking at developing our mark marking skills. We will be looking at different grades of pencils and the effects that can be created using them. History We will be studying the people, schools, jobs and homes of the Victorians and comparing them with the present day equivalents. We will visit the Black Country Living Museum to explore shops, houses and the school. We will also enjoy time playing with Victorian toys!

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail:


Tuesday 11th September

Meet the teacher

Tuesday 9th & Wednesday

Parents’ Evening

10th October

Tuesday 23rd October

Halloween disco 3.30-4.30pm

Wednesday 24th October

Harvest Assembly 2.30pm

Key Stage 1 Autumn 2018 Year 2

Thursday 25th October

Trip to Weston-Super-Mare—8am departure

Friday 26th October

End of term

Monday 5th November

Back to school

Wednesday 28th November

Scottish Traditions Day—wear blue and white.

Thursday 29th November

Achievement Celebration. 8.45am-9.15am /2.30pm –


Friday 30th November

Year 2 Scottish themed inspire session. Times TBC

Thursday 6th December

Tea with Santa

Friday 14th December

Christmas Fayre

Wednesday 19th December

Carols at Abbey year 1 and 2

Friday 21st December

Party day

Friday 21st December

End of Autumn term

Monday 7th January

Back to School

Throughout Autumn, we will be supporting the children in managing their emotions through relaxation and coping strategies. The children will then be continuing their use of the ‘STOP’ strategies to ensure a happy and safe environment. S.T.O.P– Several Times On Purpose. Start Telling Other People.

Mrs Johnson, Miss Gill, Mr Hayat, Mrs Brighton, Mrs Goldie, Mrs Nichols , Mrs De Szathmary, Miss Hinton.

The children have settled well in their new classes and are adjusting to their new learning environment.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Maurice Road, Smethwick B67 5LR Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail:

RE The children will learn about sacred places as a space to worship. They will discover the features and artefacts found in sacred places and the importance of special or sacred places in their own lives and those of others. PE Games is our focus for the first half term in which we will be extending the children’s agility, balance and co-ordination. In the second half term we will move onto gymnastics in which the children will be travelling in different ways, making shapes and linking movements. Please ensure that your child has a named PE kit in school. Computing. We will be developing an understanding of what algorithms are and how they are implemented as programs on digital devices. The children will find out that programs work by following precise instructions. They will also look at how to create and debug simple programs.


We will be using ‘Talk for Writing’ as a vehicle to assist the children in writing a range of text types. We will be kicking off with a postcard and the children will then move on to creating their very own Katie Morag story. In the second half of the term the children will be producing a leaflet to encourage people to visit Scotland, followed by a focus on traditional folk tales. Throughout our English work, there will be an emphasis on using sentences contain- ing 2 adjectives, as well as the correct use of punctuation. Cursive handwriting lessons will also be taking place to ensure the correct formation of both upper and lower case letters. The children will be developing their understanding of place value, recognisng the value of each digit in a 2 digit number and understanding the role of 0 as a place holder. They will apply this knowledge when comparing numbers using the < and > symbols and when solving place value problems. We will move onto using place value to help solve the operations of addition and subtraction using apparatus and written methods as well as showing their answers with different representations. As the term progresses we will focus on length and mass, interpreting data in a graph and written methods that can be used to solve multiplication and division. Recall of number facts and the 2,5 and 10 times tables will form part of our daily mental maths. Our focus for the term is ‘Materials’. We will be identifying materials that can be changed by the actions of squashing, bending, twisting and stretching, and link these actions with the properties of the materials that allow them to be changed. The children will look at how the properties of materials make them useful for particular purposes. During the term the children will test a range of different materials for different purposes. Maths . S cience .

Topic: Scotland Autumn 1; Meet Katie Morag Autumn 2: Scottish Traditions

Our Autumn topic is all about Scotland. In the first half term we will be finding out about Katie Morag and where she lives. The second half term focuses on Scottish traditions and the many things that make Scotland such a special place. Art We will start with the children drawing and painting their portraits to display in the year 2 classrooms—be sure to take a look! The children will be developing their drawing skills and will be making and using a viewfinder to help them draw images related to Katie Morag. They will be making and decorating a diva using the media of clay. In the second half of the term the children will find out about and replicate the work of the Scottish artist, Charles Rennie Mackintosh. History We will be looking at the lives of significant people in Scottish history, finding out what life was like for them and ordering events on a timeline. Geography We will be using maps to locate Scotland and its main cities as well as developing skills in using simple compass directions (N,E,S,W). They will be adding detail and a key to a map of ‘The Isle of Struay’ and will look at identifying the physical and human features of a place. Comparisons will be made between Bearwood and the Isle of Struay (Coll).

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail:


Tuesday 11th September Friday 21st September 1st, 3rd, 5th October 9th and 10th October 15th, 17th, 19th October Tuesday 23rd October Thursday 25th October Friday 26th October Monday 5th November Tuesday 27th November

Meet the Teacher

Inspire Workshop (AM & PM) Visit to Hatton Country Park

Parents’ evening Farm to Fork Harvest (AM)


Break up for half Term Return back to school

Key Stage 2 Autumn 2018 Year 3

Festival of Light at Saint Hilda’s Church


Thursday 13th December Friday 21st December

Break up for Christmas Holidays

Miss Vance Miss Bevan Mrs S Kaur Mrs Seymour Mrs Smith

Mrs Norton Miss Moss Mrs B Kaur

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Juniors Barclay Road, Smethwick B67 5LT

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 E-mail:

P.E. P.E. this term is on Thursday and Friday for 3V and a Friday for 3B and 3K. Could you please ensure that children have appropriate kit in school, including a jumper and trainers as it starts to get colder. Pupils to have their hair tied back in a bobble and earrings to be removed the night before. Classes will be taking part in invasion games and/or gymnas- tics this term. Computing Children will build on their experiences in Computing this year, and we will be learning a lot about e-safety, e-Mailing and developing keyboard skills. R.E. This term will explore what it means to be a good citizen in our community and finding out about the values of different religions.


‘All About Me’ In the Autumn Term, Year 3 will be exploring their own growth and development, and the history of the local area, starting from the Industrial Revolution and 1910, when Abbey Junior School was opened. Throughout the term we will be looking at how times have changed in school life and the High Street, including shopping. As part of the topic, you will be invited into school to create a timeline with the children as part of our Inspire workshop. ‘ Festival of Light’ In the second half term, Year 3 will present a ‘Festival of Light’ at St Hilda’s Church, which will be a celebration of art, music and poetry. Parents and carers are warmly welcomed to attend this end of topic celebration on Tuesday 27th November. Design Technology We will be combining our scientific knowledge with design and technology to create decorations for our ‘Festival of Light’. This will be done by using, and experimenting with, a range of mediums. Art In Art we will be focusing on using a range of techniques, including sketching and painting, to create pieces of art based around ourselves. We will also be exploring the Cubism movement. History and Geography We will be studying the history of people in our local area, spanning the timeline of the school up to the present day. Additionally, we will develop geographical understanding of the children’s place in the UK, Europe and the World.

English in Year 3 is based around the topics we are studying. Character description and a newspaper report will have links to our topic ‘All About Me’, which focuses on the local area and themselves. Letter writing and an adventure story will be inspired by our second topic of the term; Light. Children will continue to understand various sentence types, grammar and punctuation. We will be consolidating the Year 2 written methods from the National Curriculum for addition and subtraction, as well as the mental strategies for addition and multiplication. Another key focus this term will be ensuring that times tables are learnt by heart! It is expected that children will know their 2x, 5x and 10x tables, and these will be consolidated in the Autumn Term. 4x and 8x tables will also be taught during the Autumn Term. Other topics to be covered will include shape and properties of number. There will be opportunities during the term to use and apply the children’s learning in a range of different, problem solving contexts. Maths

Science .

The focus for this term will be learning about our ‘Amazing Bodies’ (including skeleton and organs) and what we need to be healthy.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

Our topic of ‘Light’ will develop an understanding of how light travels, sources of light and reflections. Investigations will run throughout the term.

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 E-mail:


Monday 10th September Tuesday 11th September Wednesday 12th September Friday 14th September Thursday 20th September Tuesday 9th October Wednesday 10th October Tuesday 23rd October Thursday 25th October Friday 26th October Monday 5th November Friday 9th November Tuesday 7th November Friday 23rd November Wednesday 28th November Thursday 29th November Friday 30th November Wednesday 5th December Monday 10th December Wednesday 12th December Thursday 13th December Friday 14th December Thursday 20th December Friday 21st December

4RP Sealife Centre Meet the teacher 3.30-4:15

4P Sealife Centre 4ASealife Centre KS2 Open Day

Parents’ Evening 3.30—6.00 Parents’ Evening Harvest Assembly 9.00 a.m. Halloween Disco 5-6pm Break up for 1/2 term holidays Back to School Year 4 Author Slumber party 6:30-8:30pm Let’s do it morning 9:00-11:30 Year 4 Bake sale and cake competition KS2 Achievement Day Year 4 Inspire Workshop Christmas decoration

Key Stage 2 Autumn 2018 Year 4

making for Beechcroft Nursing Home. Year 3 and 4 St Andrews Celebration

4RP Beechcroft Singing 4P Beechcroft Singing 4A Beechcroft Singing

Christmas Disco Christmas Fayre Carols at Abbey Christmas Party/ Breakup for Christmas Holi- days

Ms. Melvin Mrs. Newey Mrs Blackburn

Mrs. Abercrombie Mr. Postin Miss Rockett Mrs Pearshouse Miss Bennett

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 E-mail:

P.E P.E lessons are going to operate on a termly rota. This means that each class will receive 2 addi- tional hours of P.E besides swimming for one term. This term 4P will be doing this session and it will be on Thursday am. Please ensure that your child's full P.E kit is in school on this day. P.E Kit


Bucket List/Life Skills Throughout the year, the children will be offered the chance to participate in activities which enrich our aca- demic curriculum and provide a wider experience. During the Autumn term, the first of these activities will be a slumber party where the children will be encouraged to interact, solve problems, watch a firework display from a safe distance and have fun. Art The focus will be Mark Making. The children will look at various pieces of work and explore the use of different tones, textures and line. They will then use these skills to create pieces of art. Watercolour will be the next focus, where children will look at the work of artists. They will learn the techniques of watercolour painting and have opportunities to create their own work. Music The children will be exploring the music of Abba and playing percussion instruments to accompany the songs. Later in the term, as part of their practice for Beechcroft Nursing Home carol service, the children will be learning traditional and more modern Christmas carols and songs. Swimming The children will be going swimming this year on Tuesday mornings. Please ensure that your child has the appropriate kit and brings it along with them on this day. Swimming kit Swimming trunks/costume Towel Swim cap Long hair must be tied back No jewellery Goggles (optional)

English in Year 4 will be predominantly using Talk4Writing to broaden the children's knowledge of text types. The genres that we will be focusing on are biography, story writing, po- etry, non chronological, book review, poetry and explanatory text. We thank you for your contin- ued support with practising these texts at home. In addition, we will be developing cursive hand- writing and exploring spelling strategies. We will be consolidating the new methods taught in Year 3 during this term, as well as ensuring that times tables are learnt by heart! We will be starting with place value and addition and sub- traction, perimeter (measurement) and multipli- cation . We will be developing the ‘Mastery’ ap- proach whereby each lesson has fluency, problem solving and challenges. Maths

Plain white t-shirt Royal blue shorts Pumps Hair tied back No jewellery

Computing The children will be exploring coding and how they can manipulate objects on the screen. Chil- dren will continue to refine their keyboard and touch typing skills through online activities and reinforce the importance of online safety. RE We shall begin by exploring Hinduism. The chil- dren will gain an understanding of the Hindu way of life. The second unit that we will be focussing on is Islam. The children look at the meaning and importance of the five pillars through speaking and listening activities, group discussion and written work.


We shall be ‘Planet Protectors’ and will be finding out

about human impact on our environment and exploring

animal conservation. To develop the children’s thinking

we will be visiting the Sealife Centre to see how animals

live and are protected. This will link closely to our geog-

raphy, whereby children will be looking at the physical

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

and human geography in Russia (Ural Mountains), Gala-

pagos Islands andWarleyWoods and the human impact

on these places.

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 E-mail:

Key Dates Thursday 6th September - Autumn term begins

Tuesday 11th September - Meet the teacher

Please help your child to complete the weekly homework that is set. This includes: a Maths and English task, plus spellings, along with a reading book. Your child will also be required to learn all of their multiplication tables as well as daily home reading. There may also be an ongoing creative Science or Topic project to complete. Homework will be set on Friday and should be completed by the following Friday. Spellings will be tested on a Friday. Please talk to your child about their homework and check that they have completed it to their best ability. Your child will also be bringing home a reading diary, in which a weekly

Tuesday 20th September - Open day at the Juniors 10am & 2pm

Friday 5th October - Inspire workshop PM

Key Stage 2 Autumn 2018 Year 5

Tuesday 9th & Wednesday 10th October - Parents Evening

Tuesday 23rd October - Harvest assembly 2:30pm

Thursday 25th October - FOA Halloween cake sale & Halloween Disco

Friday 26th October – Break up

Monday 5th November - Back to school

Monday 19th November - 5M Pinocchio at The Old Rep.

Wednesday 21st November- 5H Pinocchio at The Old Rep.

Friday 23rd November - 5W Pinocchio at The Old Rep.

Wednesday 28th November - KS2 Achievement day

Miss Humphries Miss Monk Miss Westwood Miss Jones Miss Rouse Mr Pogson Mrs Carruthers Mrs Hunter Mrs Sherwood Mrs Webb

Friday 7th December - Year 5 exhibition.

Thursday 13th December - Year 5 Christmas production dress rehearsal.

comment will be required.

Friday 14th December - Year 5 Christmas production

Friday 21st December - Party day & Last day of term.

Please keep a check on our online website for further changes to any dates.

Computing This term we will be looking at coding and decoding this includes semaphore and Morse code. R.E This term the children will be learning about how and why Christians pray as well as looking at the Jewish and Muslim faith.

Ancient Egypt This topic is all about the achievements of the earliest Ancient Egyptian civilization, looking at schools, work, home life, culture and religion. We will be using drama, books and the Internet. Art We will be concentrating on drawing and painting Egyptian style artwork, including tomb paintings. The children will be using lino cutters to engrave detail to create their own cartouche. Design Technology We will be using a variety of creative and practical activities involving their knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in a designing and making process. The children will use this process to make a canopic jar. History We will be studying the everyday life of the Ancient Egyptians and comparing them to present day equivalents. P.E Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school. This half term will focus on tag rugby and gymnastics. 5H and 5W will have PE on a Tuesday and 5M will have PE on a Wednesday. Thursday mornings at Grove Vale Primary School. Children will be transported by minibuses. Please ensure your child has the following kit: Appropriate swimwear (no beach clothes), Swimming hat, Towel, goggles (optional). Please ensure jewellery is removed before school and toiletries are not brought in. Swimming Swimming lessons will take place on


In year 5 we will be studying how to write non-chronological reports, narrative poetry, instructional writing and stories. We will be learning about stories from the Ancient Egyptian era and looking at the language and imagery used in poetry.


We are learning about the place value of numbers up to 1 million , as well as comparing and rounding them. We will be continuing to focus on number and developing our understanding of mastery.

Outcome for this term Our outcome this term for year 5 will be the opening of Tutankhamun’s tomb and a Christmas performance.


During this term we will be learning about ‘Everyday Materials’. This will include describing and investigating their properties. After, we shall be looking at the ‘Circle of Life’. The children will learn about life cycles and what they involve. Then, life cycles of plants, how plants reproduce and locating their parts.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Juniors Barclay Road

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 Email:

KEY DATES : Tuesday 11th September Tuesday 11th September

Meet the Teacher (after school) “Put the Light Out” theatre group (in school) 6V Dazzle Workshop and Thimblemill library visit 6M Dazzle Workshop and Thimblemill library visit 6J Dazzle Workshop and Thimblemill library visit 6J & half of 6V Bewdley “Blitz and Evacuation” trip 6M & half of 6V Bewdley “Blitz and Evacuation” trip 6J & 6V Careless Talk Interactive theatre group (in school) 6M Careless Talk Interactive theatre group (in school) Maths Methods Workshop for parents 6V Maths Inspire Workshop 6M Maths Inspire Workshop 6J Maths Inspire Workshop Harvest Assembly Upper School (afternoon) KS2 Halloween Disco Half term holiday Anti - Bullying week Plas Gwynant residential trip & Road Safety Week Achievement Day KS2 Christmas Disco Christmas Fayre Carols at Abbey ( Year 4 and Year 6 ONLY) Christmas Party Day Christmas holiday WW2 Inspire Workshop—all year group WW2 Sleep Over (in school) Parents’ Evening Parents’ Evening

Wednesday 12th September

Thursday 13th September

Key Stage 2 Autumn Term 2018 Year 6

Friday 14th September

Monday 17th September

Wednesday 19th September

Wednesday 26th September

Thursday 27th September

Friday 28th September Tuesday 9th October Wednesday 10th October Wednesday 17th October Thursday 18th October Friday 19th October Tuesday 23rd October

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Juniors Barclay Road, Smethwick B67 5LT

Thursday 25th October Monday 29th — Friday 2nd Nov Monday 12th-Friday 16th Nov Monday 19th - 23rd November Wednesday 28th November Thursday 13th December Friday 14th December Thursday 20th December Friday 21st December Monday 24th— 4th January 2019 Wednesday 9th January Friday 11th January

Mr. McGowan Mrs. Vickers Mr. Jones Mrs. Sherwood Mrs. Caruthers Mrs. Webb Mrs. Hunter

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 E-mail:

This topic is all about comparing our present lives with those of people in the 1940s during World War II, look- ing particularly at work and home environments. We will be using drama , books, technology , the visit of a thea- tre group and having an evacuation trip to Bewdley to learn about the topic, culminating in our own “World War II Experience” at the beginning of next term.

English in Year 6 will be predominantly based

This term 6M and 6V will have P.E on Tuesdays and 6J will have P.E on Thursdays. All classes will take part in basketball and gymnastics during this term. Could you please ensure that children have appropriate kit in school.

around our World War II topic, using aspects of

the “Talk 4 Writing” approach. We will be creat-

ing narratives and writing non-fiction texts such

as factual reports and newspaper articles. Addi-


tional writing will also be completed during Topic

This term will combine the embedding of existing skills such as presentation and word processing, alongside new learning in coding and programming.

lessons. There will also be an emphasis on read-

ing comprehension, spelling and grammar.

We will be making gas masks as part of the World War II topic using various stages of design alongside appro- priate skills. We will also look at the poppy, using it as a focus for work later in the term.

In Maths we will be consolidating the “four rules”

and “place value” methods taught in Year 5 during

The children will build upon the knowledge of French taught throughout the school including vo- cabulary and spoken French.

this term, as well as reinforcing the learning of

times tables! Other topics are set to include frac-

tions, decimals, percentages, shape and properties

In Art we will be concentrating on creating images that reflect the devastation of our cities and streets using pastel art and perspective drawing. We will be inviting parents in to come into school to attend “inspire work- shops”, working alongside their children.

of number. There will be opportunities during the

term to use and apply the children’s learning in a

range of different contexts, as well as through

In music, the children will be given the opportuni- ties to sing and play musically with increasing con- fidence and control.

online homework tasks.

Science for this term will be on “Animals, including

Humans”. The children will be exploring the role of

the heart and the circulatory system, as well as

the impact of diet and exercise in maintaining a

We will be studying the impact of World war II upon the everyday life of people on the “Home Front”. We will discuss issues such as “The Blitz”, rationing, evacua- tion, blackouts, shelters and the changing role of women during and after the war.

healthy lifestyle. They will study the ways in which

nutrients and water are transported within animals.

The children will also conduct scientific investi-

gations , collect data (and present it in a variety

of ways) as well as conducting their own re-

search on the internet.

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