Autumn term collection

P.E P.E lessons are going to operate on a termly rota. This means that each class will receive 2 addi- tional hours of P.E besides swimming for one term. This term 4P will be doing this session and it will be on Thursday am. Please ensure that your child's full P.E kit is in school on this day. P.E Kit


Bucket List/Life Skills Throughout the year, the children will be offered the chance to participate in activities which enrich our aca- demic curriculum and provide a wider experience. During the Autumn term, the first of these activities will be a slumber party where the children will be encouraged to interact, solve problems, watch a firework display from a safe distance and have fun. Art The focus will be Mark Making. The children will look at various pieces of work and explore the use of different tones, textures and line. They will then use these skills to create pieces of art. Watercolour will be the next focus, where children will look at the work of artists. They will learn the techniques of watercolour painting and have opportunities to create their own work. Music The children will be exploring the music of Abba and playing percussion instruments to accompany the songs. Later in the term, as part of their practice for Beechcroft Nursing Home carol service, the children will be learning traditional and more modern Christmas carols and songs. Swimming The children will be going swimming this year on Tuesday mornings. Please ensure that your child has the appropriate kit and brings it along with them on this day. Swimming kit Swimming trunks/costume Towel Swim cap Long hair must be tied back No jewellery Goggles (optional)

English in Year 4 will be predominantly using Talk4Writing to broaden the children's knowledge of text types. The genres that we will be focusing on are biography, story writing, po- etry, non chronological, book review, poetry and explanatory text. We thank you for your contin- ued support with practising these texts at home. In addition, we will be developing cursive hand- writing and exploring spelling strategies. We will be consolidating the new methods taught in Year 3 during this term, as well as ensuring that times tables are learnt by heart! We will be starting with place value and addition and sub- traction, perimeter (measurement) and multipli- cation . We will be developing the ‘Mastery’ ap- proach whereby each lesson has fluency, problem solving and challenges. Maths

Plain white t-shirt Royal blue shorts Pumps Hair tied back No jewellery

Computing The children will be exploring coding and how they can manipulate objects on the screen. Chil- dren will continue to refine their keyboard and touch typing skills through online activities and reinforce the importance of online safety. RE We shall begin by exploring Hinduism. The chil- dren will gain an understanding of the Hindu way of life. The second unit that we will be focussing on is Islam. The children look at the meaning and importance of the five pillars through speaking and listening activities, group discussion and written work.


We shall be ‘Planet Protectors’ and will be finding out

about human impact on our environment and exploring

animal conservation. To develop the children’s thinking

we will be visiting the Sealife Centre to see how animals

live and are protected. This will link closely to our geog-

raphy, whereby children will be looking at the physical

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

and human geography in Russia (Ural Mountains), Gala-

pagos Islands andWarleyWoods and the human impact

on these places.

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