Autumn term collection

Key Dates Thursday 6th September - Autumn term begins

Tuesday 11th September - Meet the teacher

Please help your child to complete the weekly homework that is set. This includes: a Maths and English task, plus spellings, along with a reading book. Your child will also be required to learn all of their multiplication tables as well as daily home reading. There may also be an ongoing creative Science or Topic project to complete. Homework will be set on Friday and should be completed by the following Friday. Spellings will be tested on a Friday. Please talk to your child about their homework and check that they have completed it to their best ability. Your child will also be bringing home a reading diary, in which a weekly

Tuesday 20th September - Open day at the Juniors 10am & 2pm

Friday 5th October - Inspire workshop PM

Key Stage 2 Autumn 2018 Year 5

Tuesday 9th & Wednesday 10th October - Parents Evening

Tuesday 23rd October - Harvest assembly 2:30pm

Thursday 25th October - FOA Halloween cake sale & Halloween Disco

Friday 26th October – Break up

Monday 5th November - Back to school

Monday 19th November - 5M Pinocchio at The Old Rep.

Wednesday 21st November- 5H Pinocchio at The Old Rep.

Friday 23rd November - 5W Pinocchio at The Old Rep.

Wednesday 28th November - KS2 Achievement day

Miss Humphries Miss Monk Miss Westwood Miss Jones Miss Rouse Mr Pogson Mrs Carruthers Mrs Hunter Mrs Sherwood Mrs Webb

Friday 7th December - Year 5 exhibition.

Thursday 13th December - Year 5 Christmas production dress rehearsal.

comment will be required.

Friday 14th December - Year 5 Christmas production

Friday 21st December - Party day & Last day of term.

Please keep a check on our online website for further changes to any dates.

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