This topic is all about comparing our present lives with those of people in the 1940s during World War II, look- ing particularly at work and home environments. We will be using drama , books, technology , the visit of a thea- tre group and having an evacuation trip to Bewdley to learn about the topic, culminating in our own “World War II Experience” at the beginning of next term.
English in Year 6 will be predominantly based
This term 6M and 6V will have P.E on Tuesdays and 6J will have P.E on Thursdays. All classes will take part in basketball and gymnastics during this term. Could you please ensure that children have appropriate kit in school.
around our World War II topic, using aspects of
the “Talk 4 Writing” approach. We will be creat-
ing narratives and writing non-fiction texts such
as factual reports and newspaper articles. Addi-
tional writing will also be completed during Topic
This term will combine the embedding of existing skills such as presentation and word processing, alongside new learning in coding and programming.
lessons. There will also be an emphasis on read-
ing comprehension, spelling and grammar.
We will be making gas masks as part of the World War II topic using various stages of design alongside appro- priate skills. We will also look at the poppy, using it as a focus for work later in the term.
In Maths we will be consolidating the “four rules”
and “place value” methods taught in Year 5 during
The children will build upon the knowledge of French taught throughout the school including vo- cabulary and spoken French.
this term, as well as reinforcing the learning of
times tables! Other topics are set to include frac-
tions, decimals, percentages, shape and properties
In Art we will be concentrating on creating images that reflect the devastation of our cities and streets using pastel art and perspective drawing. We will be inviting parents in to come into school to attend “inspire work- shops”, working alongside their children.
of number. There will be opportunities during the
term to use and apply the children’s learning in a
range of different contexts, as well as through
In music, the children will be given the opportuni- ties to sing and play musically with increasing con- fidence and control.
online homework tasks.
Science for this term will be on “Animals, including
Humans”. The children will be exploring the role of
the heart and the circulatory system, as well as
the impact of diet and exercise in maintaining a
We will be studying the impact of World war II upon the everyday life of people on the “Home Front”. We will discuss issues such as “The Blitz”, rationing, evacua- tion, blackouts, shelters and the changing role of women during and after the war.
healthy lifestyle. They will study the ways in which
nutrients and water are transported within animals.
The children will also conduct scientific investi-
gations , collect data (and present it in a variety
of ways) as well as conducting their own re-
search on the internet.
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