EYFS In Nursery we follow the EYFS, a copy of which is on our website. There are 17 areas of learning made up of 3 specific areas: Personal Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication & Language and 4 prime areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design. The learning opportunities and activities in Nursery are designed to enable children to develop across all of these areas of learning. Children will become independent learners and make choices about their activities, balanced with an appropriate range of adult-led learning. Children will have free access to both the inside, outdoor and all-weather areas. ICT In Nursery ICT includes a wide range of technology e.g. using moving toys, remote controls, walkie-talkies, telephones, CD players, using knobs and pulleys as well as computers, tablets and iPads. Nursery children will have an opportunity to use computers in the Nursery.
We will be reading some of our favourite stories
and will encourage the children to join in with
Amazing Me
repeated and familiar phrases. The children will
During the first half term the children will become more confident to leave their Parents and Carers and go into Nursery happily. Our Key worker system will provide your child with a safe, secure and familiar adult to build a relationship with in the early days. It is very important that your child feels safe and happy; we will read lots of books about settling into Nursery and want to make them feel as relaxed as possible. Therefore we will be talking a lot about their home and families in order to make the transition as familiar as possible. We will also ask you and your child about their interests and will aim to provide activities and experiences linked to these where possible. The children will be encouraged to be as independent as possible and will learn about going to the toilet and washing their hands, personal hygiene and healthy eating. During this period of adjustment it is important that the children develop strong relationships with adults and their peers, they will learn how to make friends, play well together and begin to solve their own conflicts. They will also learn how to make good, independent choices for their own learning and how to look after the Nursery environment. Amazing Me is a lovely topic to start the year off. We will talk about similarities and differences between the children and their families, we will draw self portraits and learn about different parts of the body. The children will be encouraged to learn about different religions and cultures as well as talking about themselves and special times or events in their own lives.
look at books independently, beginning to recognise
and discuss illustrations and familiar print within
the environment. We will also be singing lots of
familiar Nursery Rhymes and will learn some new
ones too!
The children will engage in a range of mark making
experiences and fine motor challenges in order to
prepare their fingers for writing! They will enjoy
drawing, painting, threading, play dough and much
more. They will use resources such as tweezers, and
media such as shaving foam to get those fingers
The children will begin to recognise numbers,
patterns and shapes in the environment. They will
become familiar with the structure of the day
through using a visual timetable and discussions
The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.
about what happens next. The children will use
Numicon as apparatus for counting. We will sing lots
of number songs and have plenty of opportunities
Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: office@abbey-inf.sandwell.sch.uk
for Maths through indoor and outdoor learning.
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