Autumn term collection


Friday 14th Sept Friday 21st Sept Tuesday 25th Sept Monday 8th Oct Tuesday 9th Oct Wednesday 10th Oct Friday 12th Oct Wednesday 24th Oct Friday 26th Oct HALF TERM Wednesday 7th Nov Friday 9th Nov Wednesday 14th Nov Thursday 29th Nov W.C 3/12/18 Friday 14th Dec Tuesday 18th Dec Friday 21st Dec

EYFS coffee morning FS2 Phonics workshop Teddy Bear’s picnic Nursery closed– Parent consultations

FS2 Parents’ evening FS2 Parents’ evening FS1 Phonics workshop Let's do it day (Harvest) Finale day HALF TERM

Foundation Stage 2—Reception Autumn 2018

Bhangra Dancing FS2 Open Day Nurse Visit

Achievement day Trip to see Santa Christmas Fayre Christmas performance Party Day


Coats & Waterproofs Our curriculum is equally shared between inside and

outside learning regardless of the weather. Please help your child to put on their coat independently. We have a full set of outdoor cloth- ing, including wellies, and children will be ‘suited & booted’ if they want to play outdoors when it is raining. Forest School During the year, your child will take part in Forest School sessions in the desig- nated Forest School area within our school grounds. It is led by a qualified Forest School practitioner and offers children the opportunity to learn outside and become confident, independent and creative learners. Please see the Class Page for more details.

RA - Miss Saghir and Mrs Jones RS - Miss Supple, Miss White, Mrs Raje RB - Mrs Bhatoe and Miss Gornall Mrs Brighton, Miss Andrews and Mrs Gould will work with all classes.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Infants Maurice Road, Smethwick B67 5LR Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail:

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