RE The children will learn about sacred places as a space to worship. They will discover the features and artefacts found in sacred places and the importance of special or sacred places in their own lives and those of others. PE Games is our focus for the first half term in which we will be extending the children’s agility, balance and co-ordination. In the second half term we will move onto gymnastics in which the children will be travelling in different ways, making shapes and linking movements. Please ensure that your child has a named PE kit in school. Computing. We will be developing an understanding of what algorithms are and how they are implemented as programs on digital devices. The children will find out that programs work by following precise instructions. They will also look at how to create and debug simple programs.
We will be using ‘Talk for Writing’ as a vehicle to assist the children in writing a range of text types. We will be kicking off with a postcard and the children will then move on to creating their very own Katie Morag story. In the second half of the term the children will be producing a leaflet to encourage people to visit Scotland, followed by a focus on traditional folk tales. Throughout our English work, there will be an emphasis on using sentences contain- ing 2 adjectives, as well as the correct use of punctuation. Cursive handwriting lessons will also be taking place to ensure the correct formation of both upper and lower case letters. The children will be developing their understanding of place value, recognisng the value of each digit in a 2 digit number and understanding the role of 0 as a place holder. They will apply this knowledge when comparing numbers using the < and > symbols and when solving place value problems. We will move onto using place value to help solve the operations of addition and subtraction using apparatus and written methods as well as showing their answers with different representations. As the term progresses we will focus on length and mass, interpreting data in a graph and written methods that can be used to solve multiplication and division. Recall of number facts and the 2,5 and 10 times tables will form part of our daily mental maths. Our focus for the term is ‘Materials’. We will be identifying materials that can be changed by the actions of squashing, bending, twisting and stretching, and link these actions with the properties of the materials that allow them to be changed. The children will look at how the properties of materials make them useful for particular purposes. During the term the children will test a range of different materials for different purposes. Maths . S cience .
Topic: Scotland Autumn 1; Meet Katie Morag Autumn 2: Scottish Traditions
Our Autumn topic is all about Scotland. In the first half term we will be finding out about Katie Morag and where she lives. The second half term focuses on Scottish traditions and the many things that make Scotland such a special place. Art We will start with the children drawing and painting their portraits to display in the year 2 classrooms—be sure to take a look! The children will be developing their drawing skills and will be making and using a viewfinder to help them draw images related to Katie Morag. They will be making and decorating a diva using the media of clay. In the second half of the term the children will find out about and replicate the work of the Scottish artist, Charles Rennie Mackintosh. History We will be looking at the lives of significant people in Scottish history, finding out what life was like for them and ordering events on a timeline. Geography We will be using maps to locate Scotland and its main cities as well as developing skills in using simple compass directions (N,E,S,W). They will be adding detail and a key to a map of ‘The Isle of Struay’ and will look at identifying the physical and human features of a place. Comparisons will be made between Bearwood and the Isle of Struay (Coll).
The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.
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