Land and Property Operating Structure
Land and Property Purpose and Strategic Priorities Purpose: To provide and sustain operational and investment property portfolios that are safe, flexible and value for money, enabling SCC to deliver its policies and services to our clients, partners and stakeholders to benefit the residents of Surrey.
Our strategic priorities are:
We achieve our purpose and deliver our priorities by:
• Portfolio consolidation to deliver economies of scale and capital receipts across the operational and non-operational estates. • Embed revenue savings and income generation targets, and improve our net financial position and enhance our VFM offer to SCC. • Deliver L&P’s contribution to net zero by enhancing the environmental performance of the operational estate by 2030. • Enhance the user experience by implementing a major capital and service improvement programmes to benefit our clients, stakeholders and residents.
• Establishing our operating model: ensuring clear lines of accountability and transparency for service delivery, underpinned by effective governance and risk management. • Being client driven: improving our understanding of SCC services and stakeholder needs, and consequently to better forecast and deliver to our clients’ requirements. • Leveraging the supplier market: to harness the capabilities of the supply chain that enables L&P to become responsive to change and transfers those risks better managed by external expertise. • Engaging effectively with our stakeholders and partners: working collaboratively within and across SCC and with other public authorities and voluntary, community and faith based organisations to identify and deliver asset-based opportunities. • Managing performance: developing and reporting on our key performance metrics that demonstrate delivery against the key principles in the Asset and Place Strategy and any other strategic priorities for SCC and our stakeholders.
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