Surrey County Council - Assistant Director, Facilities Mana…

About Surrey County Council Surrey has a central role to play in the regional and national economy, and Surrey County Council and its partners have a deeply held ambition for the county’s economy to be strong, vibrant and successful. We want Surrey to be a great place to live, work and learn; a place that capitalises on its location and natural assets, where communities feel supported, and people are able to support each other. Evidence tells us that while many residents and businesses thrive in Surrey, not everyone has the same opportunities to flourish. Surrey is an affluent county, and this image often disguises problems of inequality that some residents face. Our four priority objectives to address a different aspect of inequality are: • Growing a sustainable economy so everyone can benefit Surrey County Council is committed to tackling inequality, whether that is supporting businesses in Surrey to thrive, improving health outcomes for our most vulnerable residents, tackling the challenges climate change presents, or helping to create the conditions for residents and communities to better support themselves. The driving principle behind our strategy is to ensure no one is left behind. • Tackling health inequality • Enabling a greener future • Empowering communities

Community Vision for Surrey by 2030 By 2030 we want Surrey to be a uniquely special place where everyone has a great start to life, people live healthy and fulfilling lives, are enabled to achieve their full potential and contribute to their community, and no one is left behind. Our ambitions for people are: • Children and young people are safe and feel safe and confident. • Everyone benefits from education, skills and employment opportunities that help them succeed in life. • Everyone lives healthy, active and fulfilling lives, and makes good choices about their wellbeing. • Everyone gets the health and social care support and information they need at the right time and place. • Communities are welcoming and supportive, especially of those most in need, and people feel able to contribute to community life.

Our ambitions for our place are:

• Residents live in clean, safe and green communities, where people and organisations embrace their environmental responsibilities. • Journeys across the county are easier, more predictable and safer. • Everyone has a place they can call home, with appropriate housing for all. • Businesses in Surrey thrive. • Well connected communities, with effective infrastructure, that grow sustainably.



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