as missionaries. Give the cream, not the dregs. If there is somebody in your congregation whom you would really miss then that is the kind of person we want as an am bassador for Christ on the field. In the call of Silas, as well as others in the New Testament, we are impressed with the fact that they were being used already where they were. We in mission ary societies want those who are already successful in their service for Christ. A primary requisite is in finding someone who has been used to lead others to the Lord in their own culture. After all, if they have been unable to do much for Christ in their own environment, how are they going to be able to do anything when all the condi tions are strange for them? Will you as a church pray, "Lord, what contribution can we make? Whom can we send?" The Holy Spirit will guide you. Then, stand behind the individual with your prayers. You can be sure that the fiery darts of the enemy will soon assail. We want missionaries who have their home churches right behind them. To be sure, it is very wonderful when there are churches looking for missionaries to support. But it is even more wonderful when there are churches who pro duce their own "home grown" ser vants of the Lord. You can be involved through your prayers in evangelizing any and every continent in the world. You can be participating in this manner in the building up of the body of Christ around the globe. While you may never go out your self, you can still make a lasting contribution for all eternity. We need more missionaries like Bar-
like Barnabas. Here, the church in Jerusalem, knowing of the need somewhere else, sent their best representatives. They knew that those who are young in the faith need encouragement. How long has it been since you brought strength and comfort to the heart of another? Do you know what I think is one of the greatest tragedies in North America today as far as our spir itual lives is concerned? So often the connection between mission ary societies and the church seems to be primarily financial and taken up with the raising of support. This can be tragic! It is far from this New Testament idea of a congre gation's responsibility. What do we do today if we want missionaries or money for the foreign field? Too often we have a special meeting and make emotional appeals so that people are almost "badgered" into giving. We ask for decisions on the spur of the moment and there is confusion in lives. Such a system is not taught in the New Testament. We are told by the Holy Spirit, who is the Author of Scripture, that Barnabas "was sent." It does not say that he volunteered, or that he may have even felt personally called, although I am sure that he did. The emphasis is upon the sending by the church. Other mis sionary workers, such as Silas and Timothy with Paul, were chosen. This volunteer system is not the one which was used. How one longs that we might have the sense of corporate responsibility once again in the church. The congrega tion should look for the best to send. Do you have a Barnabas in your assembly? Send your very best
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