Biola Broadcaster - 1972-02

which is likened unto what believ­ ers will receive at the Rapture. Af­ ter rising from the grave our Lord was seen and felt by people. They could talk with Him and yet His glorified body was not subjected to the laws of time or space. We believe that Christ is up in heaven now, seated at the right hand of the Father. Q. Seattle, Wash. " What does the new birth mean? Someone asked me the question and I do not know exactly how to answer it." A. John Wesley was once asked, "Why do you always preach that man must be born again?" He re­ plied, "For the simple reason that you must be born again." This question is basic, You know what birth means in the physical realm. A new individual has come into the world. On the simple basis of that physical life a person can have a physical existence as long as God allows it. In order to be alive to spiritual things one must also have a spiritual birth. When God created Adam and Eve He did so that they might be without sin. They were innocent until they disobeyed. (Do not be too hard on them for we probably would have done the same thing only quicker.) Because of this they entered into spiritual death (Ephesians 2:1). Only one thing can change death and that is life. To be alive spiritually requires that we be born of the Spirit. This means that we believe what the Word of God says about our being sinners. We realize we cannot do anything to make ourselves right­ eous before God. Yet, Jesus Christ paid the full price for us. We ac­ cept Him as our Saviour—Sacrifice. We stake our eternal salvation on what He has done for us. When by Page 21

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