take life except in a case of pre scribed capital punishment or in the course of war. There are those who hold to the belief of euthan asia which represents what is known as "mercy killing." While such may seem beneficial for all in volved, especially in terminal cases of illness, yet no man has the right to make that decision of causing another person's death. Who can know at that instance the Lord's will for any particular individual? This is true, too, of the Lord's will for those who minister to the one who is sick. There may be lessons they must learn from the experi ence, too. In such dire times of af fliction, we would do well to pause and consider what the Lord is try ing to say to us. In God's own time and way He will take care of the one who is sick as to the termina tion of physical lire. Q. Seattle, Wash. "When the ark was on its way of Jerusalem it was jolted by the oxen (II Samuel 6:6- 8) and could have crashed on the rough road. Why was it an error for Uzzah to reach out and steady the Ark? Why was he struck dead for evidently seeking to protect it?" A. It is interesting to see others in Scripture whom God struck dead. There were Nadab and Abihu in Levitcus 10, as well as Ananias and Sapphira in the book of Acts. The background for this is that the ark was on its way to Jerusalem. Keep in mind that it is not enough to do what you think is God's will. It must be that we obey God no matter what the extenuating or ex ternal conditions may be. Uzzah's purposes may have been well in- tentioned but when it comes to that which is holy, things must be Page 25
had strayed from the fold. It could carry this or some other possible spiritual connotation. Q. Arroyo Grande, Calif. " When the Lord comes for His own, will all the little ones, below the age of accountability, be taken to be with Him? Will the Lord take babies of the heathen as well as of Christians when He comes? How can Chris tians love the Lord's returning when they do not know what will become of their little ones?" A. The consensus of testimony in the Bible indicates that little ones, who have not been able to make a proper response below the age of accountability, would not be ex cluded. They will be taken to be with the Lord. Every invitation and message in the Bible is for an intel ligent, knowledgeable acceptance. If a child is born mentally defec tive, or with some other problem, he cannot make a decision. He is not saved because of his innocence but because the blood of Christ avails (Matthew 18:10). A child of a saved person is in a much more privileged position than one from heathen parentage. But our family background does not save a person. The Lord will take babies of all na tions and from every tribe. Q. Yakima, Wash. " I fee l very strongly against prolonging life fol lowing a severe stroke, heart at tack or some other dread illness. There are many drugs and mechan ical means now employed by med ical science to keep an individual alive. All of these seem contrary to the laws of nature." A. The Bible teaches that "the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord." It is never man's prerogative to
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