Biola Broadcaster - 1972-02

to assemble huge forces against Israel with the greatest military strength this world has ever known. This is yet to come in the future and will be known as the battle of Armageddon. I will gather all na­ tions against Jerusalem" (Zechariah 14:1-3). It is God's will that Israel should pass through further terrible judg­ ment. Kings will be convinced that they can fight and win against God's chosen people. Zechariah says that the city of Jerusalem shall be taken with the houses rifled and the women ravished. The evil victors will have no respect for life or property. The nations will feel so secure that they do not even hurry to divide up their spoil. Yet, God will answer the prayer of His people. This will be the day of Messiah's revelation. He will re­ turn physically, bodily and visibly to set up His kingdom over this world. His rule will be for a thou­ sand perfect years. "The Day of the Lord" is an in­ teresting expression. It is the pe­ riod of time which begins after the Church is taken out of this world and extends through the kingdom age. It is in the future and is prophetic. As Jerusalem is being spoiled, the Lord Jesus Christ re­ turns with all His saints. "His feet shall stand upon the Mount of Olives." This will be a day of voices, thunders and lightnings (Revela­ tion 16:18). An earthquake will split the Mount, leveling cities and changing the topography of Pales­ tine. Above all the terrific clamor and confusion in that day of con­ flict at the end of the tribulational hour, one voice is going to be heard distinctly. It will be the Lord Jesus Christ who cries out, "It is done! It is finished!"


Down deep in hearts that trust in God — Are nuggets of pure gold, There’s love and hope, sweet charity, The Story often told. In such kind hearts are roots of faith, Which grow and will unfold Into fa ir blooms of praise to God, Bright nuggets of pure gold! —Esther B. Heins

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