be "a land flowing with milk and honey." This fertile soil, free of thorns in that day, will have plenty of moisture. The harvest will be absolutely abundant. Human life will be prolonged, and there will be peace and plenty during the Kingdom. "Holiness unto the Lord" is going to be the slogan of that kingdom. People will be conse crated to holy worship. Satan is going to be loosed out of his prison when the Kingdom is over. He must necessarily be re leased for eternity is going to seal the final destiny of every person. Man must be tempted again. He must come to Cod voluntarily by making a choice between evil or righteousness. The Lord does not want slaves to serve Him. He wants children and joint-heirs who can make a free choice. You see, the devil deviced in the beginning and he will continue to deceive right up until the time of the end. Human nature has been, and al ways will be, basically evil. Even though men will live in the perfect Kingdom they will still have their fallen natures, living under the curse of Adam. Children will be born during this age. They too, will be subject to the temptations of Satan. There will be those who will be subject to the temptations of Satan. There will be those who will refuse to give allegiance to Christ, participating in movements against Him. Disease, war and death shall have been held in check for over a thousand years. Men will have multiplied overwhelm ingly. There will have been no lack of rainfall. Deserts will have be come gardens, fruits will have been gathered the year round, and the food supply will be absolutely more
What a glorious day when He comes back to this earth again. We will be with Him, too. He will set up His kingdom and His rule over this world which will usher in un precedented peace and blessing for this sin-torn globe. Throughout history we see the devil working continuously to thwart God's program. Even in prophecy we find him moving dil igently as he invests power in the anti-Christ and the false prophet. In Revelation 20:7-10 we read of how, following the Tribulation, the devil will be loosed for a season. He will go out "to deceive the na tions which are in the four quar ters of the earth." This passage, however, shows us very clearly his ultimate and complete downfall as he is "cast into the lake of fire and brimstone." At the beginning of His kingdom rule over the earth, the Lord Jesus Christ will judge the nations on the basis of their treatment of the Jew ish people during the Tribulation period. Cod's promise to Abraham (Genesis 12:3), is going to be ful filled at that time. Only those na tions which have shown kindness to the people of Israel will be al lowed to enter the kingdom. This will be a theocracy for the Saviour personally is going to rule over the entire world. Jerusalem will be rebuilt. It will be at least ten miles square, with the holy land in that prophetic day redivided among the 12 tribes. This royal grant from God to Israel rested on no conditions. It has never been revoked and, as yet, never fully claimed by Israel. It is eight times as large as the land which was formerly occupied by the 12 tribes. Palestine will truly
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