Characters Word of God
are at the present time geograph ically. He had some knowledge of Cod but the Bible does not indi cate where he received it. He evi dently has a reputation for his abil ity to cast a spell by enchantment (vs. 6-7). He certainly was not a true prophet of God in the sense as were Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and the rest. He seems to have been able to conjure up a curse or a blessing like some of the spiritualists today. Activity of this type is under the condemnation of God. He told the Israelites that such was an abomination. One com mentary suggests, “ Among the heathen people of that day an opin ion prevailed that prayers for evil would be heard by the unseen powers, as well as prayers for good, when offered by a prophet or priest and accompanied by the use of certain rites." Balak sent messengers with mon
ey and promises seeking to buy Balaam's power. The lesson God would have us see is that we must not have a double loyalty filled with covetousness and envy for the van ishing and transitory treasures of this world. Balaam was wise enough to go to the Lord for permission for his nefarious plan. God told him in no uncertain terms that such could not be granted. While Balaam was a Gentile yet he had enough sense to fear the Lord. The wayward prophet could not possibly misun derstand God's command (Genesis 12:1-3). Keep in mind, our heaven ly Father will not permit a curse to be placed upon His people. They are under the protection of His eternal promises to Abraham. Balak's gold was refused and the envoys were sent home without any explanation. Sensing that perhaps the price was too low, Balak upped the "ante." The rewards for divin- Page 39
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