very patient man to take his per sonal wrath out on a dumb animal. Balaam was a man controlled by emotions. Usually those who are convicted by their own conscience of sin are the most likely to explode with unreasonable anger. Think of Da vid who exploded at the man in Nathan's story. Jonah got all upset when the worm killed the vine which previously had provided him with shade. Jonah cared more for a mere plant than he did for the thousands of people in Nineveh to whom Cod had told him to preach. Even so, Balaam was more dis turbed over the donkey's disobed ience than he was over his own willful failure to do what the Lord had directed. Man has still not made any basic changes, has he? For Balaam, this was not a vision or imagination as some people would like to tell us. The testimony of the New Testament fully justifies such a conclusion (II Peter 2:16). Why should we try to deny the miracle of a donkey speaking? Cod per formed the supernatural act so that the inarticulate animal spoke in a human voice. The event was designed to im press upon Balaam's mind that he dared speak only God's Word. He must not curse the people of Israel and thereby be disobedient to the Lord. While Balaam had learned the fear of the true God, yet, he was possessed by the love of mon ey, a selfish goal made the passion for material things extremely in tense. In trying to gain Cod's bless ing and gold, he lost both of them. May the biography of Balaam serve as a recorded warning to ev erybody who would allow covet ousness to dominate their lives
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