King's Business - 1934-01

January, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


the prophets, . . . Get you out o f the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One o f Israel to cease from before us” (Isa. 30:9-11). Ah! The kingdoms of Israel and Judah, like the bab­ blers of Babel, told the God of heaven to “go to” ! But, instead of God doing the going, Judah went in chains to Babylon, and Israel went—God alone knows where! None but the willfully blind can fail to see that the same evil spirit that inveigled men into conflicts with Om­ nipotence in the world’s earliest civilizations is one and the same spirit that is at work on earth today, holding mighty revivals in every land. Russia, having invited God in no uncertain terms to pack His baggage and get off one-sixth the surface of the earth He created,-heads the procession-of modern converts to this evil spirit. Even as we write these words, the morning paper (December 6) is handed to us, and immediately we note that down at Queretaro, Mexico, the dominant political group of that nation held a conven­ tion. Arnulfo Perez, a leading party spokesman, was wildly applauded when he said: We should forget God and the clergy. The revolution of Mexico wants no God, and the Revolutionary party wants no God. Another delegate said:

Some one has said that God has strong arms to guide the destiny of Mexico, but we know that our farmers and laborers have still stronger arms and will find their own destiny. The last five words we cannot doubt. The others are open to question. However.^Russia and Mexico are not the only modern conspirators attempting to dagger the Most High. France has long been in that group. Japan and Ger­ many are on the moint of Joining, Russia^ in -giving God notice to vacatej“Thefl therfe^are" somf: ixlia* nationsi— some of them much closer home, which, in words more polite and in ways more diplomatic, are assuming a “Get- you-out-of-the-way” attitude toward the ambassadors of the kingdom of God. But it is written: “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh” (Psa. 2 :4). Do the captains of the nations ever read anything apart from the blood-and-thunder stuff that flares from the pu­ trid news stands of our day ? Do they ever read the pages of history, browned with age, on the shelves of all the great libraries of the world ? Can the experience of a hun­ dred fallen empires teach them nothing? Know they not that whenever and wherever men have said, “Go to” to God, and, “Let us” to each other, they have only suc­ ceeded in arousing divine indignation that has swept them away into darkness, distress, destruction, and death? [Continued on page 14]

Q uestions fo r answ er in th is co rn er should be s e n t to M is s S cott, 8 9 6 1 D icks S treet, W . H ollywood, C alifornia. No nam e will be published.

I QUERY CORNER Conducted by M yrtle E. S cott

Dear Miss Scott:

“ T o serve . . . a n d to w a it” ( I T hess. 1 :1 0 ). “ O ccupy till I com e” (L k. 1 9 :1 3 ). N ever did th e w orld e n te r a y e a r w ith su ch a sense of im pending crisis as th a t w hich is ours as we face 1934. A s re ad e rs of T h e K ing’s Business, w e a re looking up, w aiting w ith e ag er ex p ectan cy . May w e also m eet th e y e a r’s challenge to serve— to be “zealous of good w o rk s.”

You might be surprised to know how much help your pastor receives from your presence if you attend church in a spirit of reverent prayer and not in a critical frame of mind. He may be disheartened and especially in need of the encouragement and sup­ port of those who really love God and His Word. If you are inexperienced in public speaking, you can scarcely real­

Do you think a person should at­ tend the average church of today ? By that, I mean one where the preacher is generally considered a modernist, or is compromising to suit the people of the church; one where so many of the peo­ ple are worldly, indifferent, and many times do things which at least are not avoiding the appearance of evil? Do

you not think that in many cases it is better to listen to Bible school and tabernacle programs over the radio, and to use your tithe money in sending out good, religious literature, and in helping the Bible schools, than it is to help by money and attendance at the average church? To attend a Sunday service in many churches is a good deal of a disappoint- ment.—A. My dear A . : If all God’s true people took your attitude, I wonder what would become of the church—the institution founded by our Lord, and the only one existing to promulgate the gospel and to observe the ordinances He gave us. It is true, the church frequently comes far short, of what it ought to be. So did the synagogue service of Christ’s day, and still He attended and took part in it. Remember, we do not go to church merely for our own edification. If this were the case, we would often receive more by listening to a sermon over the radio. But we usually get the biggest blessing where we are the biggest hlessing. Moreover, you have a personal responsibility, if you are a Christian, and if there is worldliness and indif­ ference in your church, so much more is there need of your presence, of your Christian friendliness and testimony, and of your zeal for God. A candle can send its beams farthest when in a dark place.

ize the help or hindrance that one person can be to the speaker in the matter of his liberty in proclaiming the un­ searchable riches of Christ. The presence of one person really filled with the Spirit and on fire for God can change the whole atmosphere of a meeting. Do you know, I have never listened to a sermon or at­ tended a meeting where I did not get some real blessing for my own soul, if I went praying and seeking a blessing from God. He may give blessing sometimes in spite of the sermon, rather than because of it, but He will give it if we ask Him. There is a tendency on the part of many today to brand any one a modernist who does not agree with them in all points of Biblical interpretation. We may get much bless­ ing from listening to one with whom we cannot fully agree. When it comes to going to a church where the deity of Christ is denied and He is dishonored, that is another thing. I do not believe I could, or should sit and listen to any one who dishonors my Lord, or ‘that I should support such a message by my presence or gifts. But even in this there can be no set rule, and no doubt there are times when God would have Christians remain in such a church to be a light in a dark place, and to use their influence to bring about a change of conditions. Each one must pray about this to get God’s leading for herself. Be sure it is God’s will, and not your own preference, that you are seeking.

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