King's Business - 1934-01


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

January, 1934

forth from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. Righteous­ ness will cover the earth, and the tongue of every one who escapes the terror of those awful days will confess Him as Lord of all. Blessing in Hunan ¡The work of the Hunan Bible Institute, at Changsha, Hunan, China—the China department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles—continues with the gracious blessing of the Lord upon it. Friends will be glad to learn of the rapid recuperation of the superintendent, Dr. Frank A. Keller, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis. The work of the Biola evangelistic bands is as outstand-. ing as is that of the training school at Changsha] Wn band enters a district (often at the urgent request of the missionaries laboring there), the men locate in an important center and then go out two by two every day, about five miles in every direction, visiting in the homes of the people and making a personal presentation of the gospel. As soon as the people show interest in the gospel, they are organ­ ized into Bible classes which are held every evening. Writ­ ing of one of these bands, Dr. Keller says: “In ten months, the men of two bands visited practically 14,000 homes. During these visits, 424 people were greatly moved by the gospel message which they had just heard. After further study and conferences with the evangelists, 129 definitely gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ. All the members of twenty-six families turned to the Lord, and in five of the centers where they, worked, little prayer and Bible study groups were organized which we trust will develop into self-supporting and self-propagating churches. Do pray with us that this may result. Think what it will mean to have five living working churches in districts which, a year ago, were in utter darkness!”

porarily deranged by the heat of his passion after brooding over the details of an unspeakable crime. But n o ! he con­ tinues to reaffirm his statement! It will not place the slight­ est strain on the feeblest of gray matter to understand that the spirit of the angels that sinned was the very same spirit that indwelt the San Jose mob, and was blessed by our California governor—a spirit that the Word of God calls the spirit of “natural brute beasts” who “despise gov­ ernment” and “count it pleasure to riot,” making them­ selves “servants of corruption.” There is one difference, the fallen angels and the Sodomites spoke “evil of digni­ ties” who evidently refused to join them wholeheartedly in their lawlessness. Today, in California, our highest digni­ tary joins the mob! What are we to expect of Almighty God when once in His world of men, our dignities save themselves by joining the mobs? W h a t D o e s i t I n d i c a t e ? ¡Unless all signs fail, the lawlessness of the hour strongly speaks of the coming of “the lawless one.” A law­ less age will call for a lawless ruler. In a world wherein “iniquity [lawlessness] shall abound” (Matt. 24:12), and men shall “hate one another” (Matt. 24:10), human sor- dow shall reach its zenith. Thank God for the promise that those days shall be short, for otherwise “there should no flesh be saved” (Matt. 24:22)7] ' i - n /,'*.//. IS '' How comforting it is to the true children of God to see even in these dark deeds of men the speedy fulfillment of our “blessed hope.” “For unto us a child is born, unto us. a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Coun­ selor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this” (Isa. 9:6, 7). seek a place to hide. They will see Him stand on the Mount of Olives, they will hear the mountain rend with a terrific roar, and they will feel the earth quake beneath their feet. The panic of fright will possess them. Plague soon will be­ gin its work of death among this mass of God-haters; hail­ stones and fire will fall; and the army that expected to wipe the name of God and the people of God from the earth will vanish like snow before the midday sun. The birds of the air and the beasts of the field will be called to the great supper, to eat the flesh of an army, the boast and pride of many nations. This is probably the same event as that portrayed in Revelation 19, when the beast and the false prophet, the Antichrist and his lieutenant, will be taken and cast alive into the lake of fire. The little Mount of Olives, made sacred by the feet of Him who trod its sloping pathway, by the tears of the Man of Sorrows, and by the voice of Him who spake as never man spake, will be crowned in that day with a blaze of unsurpassing glory, and will be honored by the touch of His feet that glow like burnished brass. Responding to the touch of His feet, Olivet will open wide its heart, making a valley through which will pass the followers of Christ, who flee toward Him whose transcendent glory lights the scene. The Mount of Olives will then share with Mount Zion in the honor and glory of the ever-visible presence of the Prince of peace, the King of kings. The law will then go THE MOUNT OF OLIVES [Continued from page 7]

Located in Bible Institute b lo c k — a d jo in in g th e Church of the Open Door and bordering on the park of the Los Angeles Pub­ lic Library.

(Frances f.) Willard Hotel 536-540 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES P er Month Rooms with detached baths $15.00 to $22.00 Rooms with b a th .............$25.00 to $35.00 Daily and weekly rates in proportion. We trust that you will be interested in knowing that there is still a hotel in Los Angeles which is willing to continue as a quiet, orderly, temperance hotel. F. B. HARRISON, Manager. T his announcem ent will especially in te re st ladies trav elin g alone o r w ith children.' H e ad q u arters fo r o u t of tow n v isito rs to Bible In stitu te and C hurch of th e Open D oor. R A T E S :

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