King's Business - 1934-01

T H E K I N G ' S


January, 1934





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By J. A. V a u s

trate on what he termed national retrain­ ing and said a splendid example of this was offered in Palestine and in Poland. An extract from a Danish newspaper, sent us by Mrs. S. N. Mehlin, quotes a young Jewish Christian writing from the Jewish city of Tel Aviv, Palestine, as say­ ing that Adolf Hitler is, in a sense, the greatest Zionist (?) now living, in as much as he is responsible for the great stream of German Jews now pouring into Palestine. In this accommodated state­ ment, he said that all Palestinian Jews con­ cur. So great has been the tendency for the Jews of Germany to become assimi­ lated that they were in danger of losing their identification with the Jewish nation entirely. Hitler has unintentionally ren­ dered a service to the Jewish nation by making German Jews race-conscious, who were in danger of forgetting their racial origin. Protocols of the Elders of Zion Hitler’s anti-Jewish propaganda, fraught with such frightful consequences to the Jews of Germany, is being widely circu­ lated in the United States. Funds have been raised and newspapers are being pub­ lished charging Jews with an attempt to undermine Christianity, introduce commu­ nism, confiscate the world’s wealth, and overthrow the government of the United States. To lend color and support to these claims, extra editions of the so-called Protocols of the Elders of Zion are being widely distributed. Even ministers who, in some cases, have accepted the Protocols at their face value and without thoroughly investigating the source of the fabricated and frequently disproven charges of a national Jewish conspiracy against the world and all existing governments con­ tained therein, are publicly aiding the world-wide spread of the poison of preju­ dice and hatred against the Jews. A Tragic Outlook |It is nothing short of tragic to view the present day conditions in the Jewish world, and all true “shepherds of Israel” cannot but deeply deplore the present anti- Semitic trend of affairs. Popular preju­ dice against the Jews is being fanned into a flame, and Satan is using this growing antagonism toward the Jews to blind the eyes of Christians to a sense of responsi­ bility for Israel’s evangelization and to keep them from realizing that an unpre­ cedented opportunity is offered today to reach Jewish hearts with the gospel, with a better prospect of success than at any time since the dispersion?) /-S? /l&tf fi.ti Shall we, as Christians, join the ranks of Israel’s enemies? Shall we let preju­ dice against the Jews make us unfaithful to our Lord’s great commission? Shall we join hands with those who would in­ dict the whole Jewish race for the faults of a few? Shall we, by our acceptance, be influenced in our attitude toward the Jews by the unwarranted, unjust, and baseless charges of the fabrications of the Proto­ cols? Shall we, by our attitude of antag­

¿ S i g n i f i c a n t p i e v e n t s o f wor l d - wide proportions and of prophetic import are occurring with ka­ leidoscopic and be­ wildering rapidity in the J ewi s h world, dur i ng the closing days of the present age. The S p e c ter of Anti-Semitism At the time of the writing of this arti­ cle, Jews the world over a r e maki ng e l a bo r a t e prepara­ tions for the time- honored observance of Chanukah, the Feast of Dedication, or the Festival of Lights, which com­ memorates the re­ capture of Jerusalem and the cleansing and rededication of the

fyotocols of the Elders of Zion i

[There is not a single shred of reliable evidence, acceptable in any court of law, to indicate: 1. Tha t there exists a J ew i sh World-Conspiracy. 2. That the Protocols were a part of the minutes of the first Zionist Congress. 3. That the Protocols are of Jewish origin. 4. That the Protocols are authentic 71 5. That the Protocols had any con- l~| nection with the Masonic Lodge. 6. That the Protocols were secured from a responsible source. 7. That there is an organisation known as the Elders of Zion with secret membership, secret meet­ ings, and a secret movement de­ signed to bring about the over­ throw of all non-Jewish govern­ ments, the substitution of a Jew­ ish world government, and the destruction of all religions other than Judaism. 8. That the Jews as a nation are in any way responsible for the present world-wide economic de­ pression. onism toward the Jews, effectually close the door of the gospel to the people of the Hebrew race? Shall we so far forget our obligation, responsibility, and debt of gratitude toward our Lord’s brethren in the flesh, as to be found among those who would inaugurate a Jewish inquisi­ tion? Is the cross of Christ to become a symbol of Jewish persecution? As J. Mac­ Donald Webster asks: “Is gratitude to be an unknown virtue in Christian hearts where Jews are concerned?” The Prophetic Aspect Viewed from a prophetic and dispensa- tional aspect, we might be justified in as­ suming that the persecution of Israel may be one of the factors permitted by God to effect in large measure a wholesale re­ turn of the Jews to the land of their fathers, but God forbid that Christians, whose knowledge of God, whose Bible, and whose Christ came to them through Jew­ ish channels, should be numbered among the persecutors of the Hebrews.

of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek” (Bom. 1 : 16 ). Dear Friends of Israel: May we extend to you, at this season of the year, the familiar Hebrew New Year's greeting: “ Lesh- onah Tovah Tichawsayvu” (May you be destined for a Happy New Year), and express the wish that you may have some active part in the furtherance of the gospel among the Hebrews ? From a watchman on the wall.—J. A. VAUS.

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temple by Judas Maccabeus in 105 B. C., after the cruel anti-Jewish tyrant, Anti- ochus Epiphanes, had defiled the temple by the offering of swine on the altar of burnt offering and the sprinkling of swine’s blood in the holy of holies. With the passing of the years, Chanukah has come into the highest regard among the Jews generally by reason of its his­ torical and religious significance, and its annual observance has served to encourage the Jewish people in times of oppression and persecution with the ultimate hope of deliverance from, their enemies. The light-hearted gaiety; with which this eight-day Festival of Lights is usually observed, is this year completely over­ shadowed by the haunting specter of anti- Semitism. Hitler— the Greatest Living Zionist (? ) /Adolf Hitler, the German dictator, by a few strokes of a pen, has not only made refugees of the 600,000 Jews within the borders of the German empire and un­ justly brought untold suffering, privation, and persecution to them, but has also lighted the match of a conflagration of anti-Semitism that is spreading throughout the entire world?) S i / / « / M

Dr. Chaim Weizmann, prominent Zion­ ist figure, not long ago appointed chair­ man of a commission that has for its object the settlement of the German-Jewish refu­ gees in Palestine and elsewhere, recently stated what is becoming increasingly ap­ parent to the most casual observer, that: “A wave of anti-Semitism is sweeping over the entire world, and in his opinion a pecu­ liar social and economic structure forced on the Jews cannot he maintained in the face of a changing world.” He urged that the Jews throughout the world concen“ For I am not ashamed "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the ser­ vants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord” (Isa. 54:17). “Thus saith the Lord; . . . I f heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the Lord” (Jer. 31:35-37).

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