King's Business - 1934-01


January, 1934


K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



B y P aul P richard

The first is personal and domestic. The second is symbolic and prophetic. The third is nationalistic and theocratic. All are profoundly religious. The first looks down into the sweet faces of little children. The second looks away to the Christ of God. The third be­ holds the lofty steeps of Mount Zion. What God U ses E xodus 4 :2 1. A thing that happens to be at hand. 2. An instrument powerless in itself. 3. An emblem of sovereignty among men. 4. A scepter such as no earthly mon­ arch ever wielded. The Christian’s Sources of Inspiration I. God the Father (2 Tim. 3:16; Job 32:8). II. Christ the Son. 1. Through His personal presence (Matt. 28:20). 2. Through His sacrificial death (1 Pet. 2:24). 3. Through His teachings and ex­ ample (1 Pet. 2:21). III. The Holy Spirit. 1. Through faith imparted (1 Cor. 12:9). 2. Through Christian graces given (Gal. 5:22, 23). 3. Through love, power, and a sound mind bestowed (2 Tim. 1:7). ■ ■ IV. The Word of God (Heb. 4:12). V. Prayer (Phil. 4:6). —J oseph T. L absen . Sonship 1. The Revelation of Sonship (John 1: 12 ). 2. The Responsibility of Sonship (Phil. 2:15). 3. The Reality of Sonship (1 John 3:2). —S elected . The Colors that Rain and Cloud Reveal The, rainbow in the cloud speaks of God’s love and mercy. There are seven beautiful colors to delight the eye. The colors are always present in the sunlight, but it takes the cloud and the rain to bring them out. In like manner, the trials and testings of life—the times we feel we would like to escape—bring into our lives beautiful bless­ ings from God—blessings that only the darkness and the storm could reveal. —M. N akano . Greater V ision In the field of astronomy, there are many wonders, one of which is the double star. To the naked eye, it lqoks like an ordinary star; but when the telescope is turned upon it, there come into view twti distinct stars. A spectroscope might further reveal that the two stars are really four. The more delicate the instrument, the more of heaven’s beauties can be discerned. In the realm of spiritual vision, the nat­ ural eye cannot perceive anything unusual. But when the spiritual eye is opened by the [Continued on page 35]



“ How shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, ex­ cept they be sent?” (Bom. 10:14, 15). An anonymous friend sug­ gests, “I wish the plan of salvation might be put in each number of TH E KING’S BUSINESS in red tetters." Z endorse such a sentiment, both for maga­ zines and for ail sermons.


P aul P richard

■Jfftr/ù MIBB I N THE 6 C S P E L

Glad Tidings to You “Men and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and whosoever among you feareth God, to you is the word of this sal­ vation sent” (Acts 13:26). The fears of ten thousand generations are quieted by this text. It includes us all, Jews and Gentiles. It is tremendously personal; the entire weight of the text is focused upon the words “to you.” Paul says that God’s glad tidings of salvation are “to you,” because (1) God has made a covenant with His people; (2) Christ has accomplished redemption; and (3) others have refused the gift. Resurrection Living “I f ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God“ (Col. 3:1). 1. Thq quest—“seek.” 2. The objective—“things above.” 3. The motive—the things sought for are to be found with the Lord, who is at the right hand of God. The W hole Counsel of God A cts 20:27 1. The Profound Counsel of Eternity. 2. The Offensive Counsel of the Cross. 3. The Aggressive Counsel of a Con­ troversy. 4. The Loving Counsel of the Heart. The Gist of Our Message Paul speaks of Christ Jesus, “whom we we preach” (Col. 1:28). The apostle’s message, then, was a doctrine. God knows hew much a doctrine is needed today by the church 1 But it was not merely a doc­ trine. It was more especially a Person. And that Person is : 1. The preeminent Person dwelling in eternity (Col. 1:15-19). 2. The mystic Person dwelling in the believer (Col. 1 :27). 3. The full and sufficient Person in whom dwelleth God (Col. 2:9, 10). H om e Relationships ' I saiah 8 :18 Isaiah is uniquely aware of three rela­ tionships : 1. That sustained between himself and his two sons. 2. That sustained between his family and the people of Israel. 3. That sustained between Israel and the Lord.

Ju st w h at every te a c h e r of th e In tern atio n al Lessons needs in p r e ­ p a rin g to tea ch lessons w hich a re in this gospel for th e n e x t six m onths. E ach verse tre a te d in th e q ues­ tio n m ethod involving com parisons w ith o th e r S criptures. S pace p ro ­ vided opposite each question for th e stu d en t to re co rd his answ er.


No exam inations— lesson w o rk a n d n eatn ess d eterm ining grade— certificate u p o n com pletion.





A L L C O S T S . . .


C orrespondence School Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles 558 So. H ope St., Los Angeles* Calif. S irs: Enclosed please find $2.00 fo r w hich 1 desire enrollm ent in th e course, “ Studies in th e Gospel of M atthew .”


A ddress.

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