King's Business - 1934-01


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

January, 1934

What Great Bible Stories Do These Pic­ tures Represent ? You should answerwithout hesitation, these and many other Bible questions. Mail the coupon. Wewill send you free stitute Home Study Courses have helped 53,000menandwomen through directed sys­ tematic study of the Bible. Send now for this Bible Test and Bulletin. . No obligation. MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL D ept. 4201 153 Institute Place« Chicago« HI. BIBLE TEST FREE Moody Bible Institute Correspondence School Dept. 4201153 Institute Place, Chicago, 111. □ Please send me Free 5-Minute Bible Test. □ I am interested in your Class Study Plan. Name.__________ ________________________ aninterestingBible T e st to t e s t your knowledge. Also free our bigBulletin telling how Moody Bible In- 1


The book is printed in large, readable type. There are numerous charts which both pupils and teacher will find valuable. Full-page pictures—actual photographs— give light on the scene of the lesson. One of the outstanding features of the work is the arrangement of the Bible text. The- Authorized Version is used, but the better renderings are placed in brackets in the text where- they belong. This makes for easy reading and clear understanding of the passage. It is a highly valuable work that should be found at once popular and useful. 396 pages. John A. Dickson Pub. Co., Chicago. Cloth. Price $1.50. Points for Emphasis by Hight C. Moore. This is the seventeenth annual volume of this spiritual and practical vest-pocket commentary on the International Sunday- school lessons. Under such headings as “Lesson Text and Outlines,” “Notes Ana­ lytical and Expository,” “The Lesson of the Lesson,” and “Gold in the Golden Text,” the author has condensed a wealth of teaching material for Sunday-school teachers of all ages. 239 pages. The Sun­ day School Board of the Southern Bap­ tist Convention, Nashville, Tenn. Board. Price 35 cents. The Beauty of Jesus B y G ip s y S m it h The book is what its subtitle implies, a collection of “memories and reflections” of an evangelist who has had a world-wide ministry covering half a century. The book is personal, chatty, readable. Some of the chapter titles are: “Memories of South Africa,” “The Tragic Years of the War,” “My Second Visit to Australia,” “Among the Colored Folk,” “Looking Backward —and Forward.” 228 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. Growing interest in archaeological discov­ eries, especially in Persia, led to the writ­ ing of this compelling book. It is a tale of the time of Artaxerxes, and the history of that brave young general, Nehemiah, who was cup-bearer to the king. To use the author’s words, the book “is given to the public in the hope that it may help others to reconstruct the life of the people of those days, who lived more than two thousand years ago.” It is an intensely fascinating story that should lead to a desire for further study of investigations in Eastern lands. 308 pages. W. A. Wilde Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. The needs of an unfortunate little waif led a whole family, and many others be­ sides, out of selfish pursuits into the joy of service in the strength of the Lord. This is more than a story; it is the setting forth of the plan of redemption and of Christian living in a manner so attractive that inter­ est never wanes. The typography is not flawless, but “the exceeding beauty of our soon coming Lord” is seen on every page. 139 pages. Alice M. Ardagh, 1163 S. Hoover St., Los Angeles, Calif. Paper. Price 75 cents. W ithin th e Palace Gates B y A n n a P ie r p o n t S iv it e r On the Potter’s Wheel B y A l ic e M. A r d a g h

A rchaeology and the Bible B y G eorge A. B a r t o n

This is the sixth edition of Dr. Barton’s great book. The last edition, published in 1924, required many revisions and correc­ tions in the light of new discoveries made since the World War. Not only have many new sites been excavated, but also the methods of explorers have so improved that it is now quite possible to determine the approximate dates of the civilizations that are uncovered. The author arranges his material in such a way that the reader can obtain an excellent panoramic view of the ancient civilizations of the long-buried empires of the Egyptians, the Babylonians, Hittites, and others that antedated the history of the kingdom of Israel, as well as of the contemporary civilizations and those that touched the nation during the days of the beginnings of Christianity. Similarity in many points of the civil and religious laws of these Gentile kingdoms with those of Israel are pointed out, throwing light on many Old Testament passages. But the infinite distance between Israel’s pure mon­ otheism and the gross polytheism by which Israel was surrounded is distinctly seen. Israel alone among the peoples of earth worshiped the God of heaven and tolerated no other gods. Other nations worshiped their gods with prayers and hymns which revealed distress of heart and a sense of sin, but none of them shows the penitential-spirit of the Old Testament Psalms. Some of the proverbs of the other nations show at times an approach to the wisdom literature of the Old Testa­ ment, yet they always fall short of the Biblical standard because they were not founded on the divine revelation given to the chosen nation. This volume strikes a body blow in the imaginings of the critics who profess to find little accurate history in the Old Tes­ tament, and who declare that the lofty ethical monotheism sprang out of the soil of Egyptian or Babylonian polytheism. Dr. Barton has put the church under a great debt to him. 598 pages. American Sun­ day School Union. Cloth. Price $3.50. Sunday-School L esson Commentaries for 1934 The Teacher’s Guide by James R. Kaye. Dr. Kaye is the author of the New Ana­ lytical Bible, the Student’s Bible Guide and Helps, and Through the Bible in Two Years. The publishers, in the foreword of the present volume, say of him: “He stands for’ the divine inspiration of the Bible, that it is the Word of God. He stands for the deity of Jesus Christ, that He is very God and very Man. He stands for the doctrine of the atonement, God’s method of redeeming a fallen race by the saving work of Christ. He stands for the doctrine of regeneration, Christ’s doctrine of the new birth. He stands for the mirac­ ulous as set forth in the Scriptures. He stands for the doctrine of the second com­ ing of Christ as positively and unambigu­ ously taught in the Old and New Testa­ ments as is His first advent.’’ The analysis of a writer with such convictions may be safely trusted.

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