King's Business - 1934-01


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

January, 1934

Approach: Everywhere that Jesus went preaching and teaching and healing the people, He saw crowds scattered about as

us keep on praying that the Lord of the harvest will “hurl forth” laborers into His harvest. It is well to note here that God’s work­ ers are not merely men who go \ but they are also men who are sent. Even our blessed Lord puts first among His creden­ tials the fact that He was “sent” of God into the world (recorded six times in John 17 alone, and dozens of times in John’s Gospel). John the Baptist was a man “sent of God” (John 1:6). So also were the disciples (John 17:18), and in a very real sense all believers (17:20). In the Old Testament, the false prophets are spoken of as men who “ran” but were not “sent” (Jer. 23:21). The prophet Isaiah saw very clearly in this important matter. The divine call came to him in the form of two questions: “Whom shall I send and who will go for us?” The answer of the prophet is unerring—not, “Here am I ; I will go," but, “Here am I ; send me." The most important test of the true minister of God is not a matter of -personality or education; it is rather the question, “Is he sent of God?" L esson Q uestions 9 :35-38. What was Jesus’ threefold min­ istry in Galilee? Why was there a need of (a) teaching, (b) preaching, (c) heal­ ing? What was the difference between the Lord’s attitude toward the multitude and the attitude of His disciples toward it (Lk. 9:12) ? Which is your attitude? In what measure has the harvest of which Jesus spoke been reaped? What did Jesus ask the disciples to do about it? 10 :l-8. What was the evident result of the disciples’ prayers? When God makes us conscious of a need, what is likely to follow that knowledge? Give a scriptural example of this (Isa. 6). Who was the twelfth disciple named? Was there any distinction made in his case when the Lord instructed His disciples? What and to whom were the disciples sent to preach? What was to accompany their preaching? Why was this needful? Vs. 32, 33. What is the meaning of Christ’s “confession” and “denial” of us before the Father? How can we deny Christ before men? Have you confessed Him to some one today? G olden T ex t Illu stratio n A city is nothing when weighed in the balance against a human soul. The Phidian Jupiter was a statue of gold and ivory, so magnificent that a man that died with­ out seeing it might be commiserated; and a man that had seen it might say, “Now let me die in peace.” That statue—whose annual disclosure was so august that men and women in their enthusiasm fell be­ fore it with outcries and exclamations— that statue, which I would willingly have made a pilgrimage to see if it had been saved from medieval violence and icono- clasm, was wonderful beyond all descrip­ tion. But one poor soul dragged out of the slough,- and saved, and beginning to speak the language of heaven and to shout the praises of God is more wonderful and more glorious in the sight of angels and of God than the lordliest statue of the greatest of all artists; and I would go farther to save one soul than to see a million Phidian works of art.— H e n r y W ard B e e c h e r . Tw elve W orkers fo r Jesus M a t t h e w 9 :35; 10:40-42 Memory Verse: “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you” (John 15:14).

s he ep wi t hou t a shepherd. He felt sorry for them. He said, “There is work to be done, but few to do the work.” L e s s o n S t o r y : Then Jesus took His twelve disciples and sent them out to do the work which He had been doing. They were only men,

S P E C I A L $ ) iM e - ^ o o m é i n a U m i . . . OFFER! i \

but He gave to them His wonderful power over sickness and evil. They were to go first to the Jews, to their own people. They were to take no extra baggage with them. They were not to worry about what they should wear or what they should eat. He wanted them to show that they believed what He had told them about trusting God, as the birds of the air and the flowers of the field do. He warned them that they would meet enemies who would want to put them in prison and punish them. Jesus told them not to be afraid. He said that the Spirit of their Heavenly Father would put in their mouths the right words when they needed them to defend themselves and the things which they were doing. Again He told them how God, the Father, loved them and would care for them. He said, “The very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Jesus sends us forth today as His mes­ sengers to tell people about God and His love. Some of His messengers go into far-away countries to tell about Him, some of us tell about Him here at home y|-but always His love and Strength go with us, just as it went with His twelve disciples long ago.

H e r e a r e i t s l i b e r a l t e r m s . . . One Year’s sub­ scription to THE KING’S BUSINESS (Regular Price) ....$1.50 The King’s James Reference Bible (described below) .. 1.50 Total Value ........ $3.00 Mailed postpaid to any address for........ 2.00 You save £ | fifi

33 1/3% ........ f 1*u u This is a Bible which you will be proud to own or give to a friend. It is printed in large Brevier type on a page 8x5% In­ ches, with 60,000 center page references to related Scriptures. It contains 12 colored maps, eight col­ ored illustrations, and sev­ eral photographs in black and white of historical sites in Palestine, a Par­ agraph Summary of each of the books of the Bible by Arthur T. Pierson, D.D., an account of the life and works of all fa­ mous Bible characters, a splendid Harmony of the gospels, a complete list of the Miracles and Parables of both the Old and New Testaments and a practical p l a n for studying the Sunday School Lesson foi the week. Bound In dur­ able leatherold, M orocco grain, with overlapping cov­ ers, round corners, red edges, headbands and marker; lettered in gold on side and back. Bible and magazine will be mailed to separate addresses in the United States or its possessions, if desired. Offered now in combination with The King’s Business, securely boxed, for

G iv in g W a t e r to t h e T h ir s t y Objects: Five tumblers, different shapes. Lesson : A cool drink of water is very refreshing when one is tired and thirsty. Christ knew that the thirst of the soul


“ The young children ask bread, and no man breaketh it unto them” (Lam. 4:4). We stand on the threshold of a new year with children hungry for the Bread of Life. What a privilege, re­ sponsibility, and challenge! Only eternity will tell the far-reaching effects of this year’s ministry, if we are faithful to our trust.

one year for $2.00. Add 25c if magazine is to be sent to foreign address. Write today, as our supply is limited.

THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

You may send me by parcel post prepaid, the King James Reference Bible as advertised, with The King’s Business for one year, beginning with the................issue, for which I am enclosing $2.00,


E lmer L. W ilder could not be satisfied with physical water, and so He said, “If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink.” He is the Living Water, which satisfies the soul’s thirst. While He was on earth, He could talk [Continued on page 35]

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