King's Business - 1934-01

January, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


DoYouMake theseMistakes inENGLISH? Sherwin Cody’s remarkable invention has en­ abled more than 70,000 people to correct their mistakes in English. Only 15 minutes a day required to improve your speech and writing.

“I thank Jesus that He was punished in­ stead of me.” Such was a little girl’s con­ fession of faith in Christ. It was simple, yet expressive; brief, but full of truth and meaning. It contained the sum and sub­ stance of the glad tidings of salvation through a crucified Christ. (See Gal. 2 :20).—P ickering . III. A live , T hough R eckoned D ead A wealthy Brahman lady accepted Christ, and came to the mission station. Her people told her that they would have to perform the funeral ceremony for her. With tears, the brave woman answered, “I know I am dead to you; but I am alive in Christ, and will live to tell my people of Christ’s love for them.” Every friend and relative left her. When the time came for her to be baptized, great crowds came around; without fear or shame she stepped forward, and began to sing: "Jesus, I my cross have taken All to leave and follow Thee." According to Hindu custom, the family performed her funeral ceremony, burning her in effigy, and depositing the ashes among the dead, thus signifying that she was dead to them. But nothing could draw this new convert from the cross of Christ; she lived by the faith of the Son of God, who loved her and gave Himself for her. ■ f-P lC K E R IN G . Sunday-School LessonCommentary [Continued from page 31] with thirsty men and women and tell them how to get their thirst satisfied, but now that He is in heaven, the work of telling about the Living Water must be done by living Christians. Christians are like these tumblers. If a guest should come to the home and ask for a drink of water, which tumbler should we use ? This tall cut glass one is very pretty, but it has dirty finger marks on it, and we would not give it to a guest. Neither will Christ use us to give the water of life to the thirsty if our lives are not clean. This large glass looks clean, but let us examine it. It is cracked; it does not ring true. If your life does not ring true, God will not use you. This next glass is filled with marbles, which speak of pleasure. Innocent pleasures are not wrong, but the life can be so filled with them that it has no time to carry the water of life. Would you want to give this chipped glass to a friend? No, it might cut the lips. Often Christians can be so sharp and cutting in what they say that God cannot use them. Notice this little plain glass. It is clean, it rings true, it is empty, and it is smooth. It is in a condi­ tion to be used. It is now filled with pure water ready to satisfy the thirsty. Every Christian should be as this glass—ready for the Master’s use. Holy Spirit who dwells in the believer, spiritual beauties are disclosed which were not known to have existed before. As one grows in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, still greater keenness of spiritual vision results, like that made pos­ sible by the delicate spectroscope in the natural realm. But as thè most delicate and powerful instruments are not able to reveal all the secrets of the universe, but only to give a suggestion of the grandeur beyond, so the keenest of spiritual vision can only glimpse the splendor that lies be­ yond present comprehension. —F ay W allingford . HOMILETICAL HELPS [Continued from page 19]

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M a n y

persons say “Did you hear f r o m

Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.” When we truly grasp by faith the marvels of the indwelling power of Christ through grace, we also can say, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.” In thinking of great religious leaders of today, our minds turn first of all to the evangelists who are traveling throughout the land, carrying the glad tidings. A few of them are: Gipsy Smith, Jr., William A. Sunday, Bishop Moore, Harry Vom Bruch, and P. W. Philpott. Among Bible teachers who are both great and true are: James M. Gray, A. C. Gaebelein, W. B. Riley, Henry Ostrom, Stewart P. Mac- Lennan, Louis T. Talbot, Cortland Myers, and Louis S. Bauman. Outstanding semi­ nary and college professors who are loyal to Christ include the following: J. Gresham Machen, Charles Erdman, S. M. Zwemer, J. Oliver Buswell, Robert M. McQuilken, Lewis Sperry Chafer, and William M. An­ derson. These lists are by no means ex­ haustive. Throughout the years, God has gra­ ciously furnished His church with leaders. When they are true to Him and to the Word of God, they are worthy of our love and loyalty. Leader’s H elps I. A P aradox “Crucified . . . nevertheless I live,” cries Paul. I am not a mummy, nor a machine! I am a human being with feel­ ings and personal wishes, hopes and de7 sires. I live all the more because I have died; for the sensibilities of this human organism, dulled by slavery to sin, have now become freed to become acute and living—not to be any longer the medium of self-sensitiveness, self-seeking, or self- love, but the quickened vehicle for the manifestation of the love and life of the Christ who now “liveth in me.” Yet it is “not I” but the grace of God; not my life, but the life which flows from the living Christ within my heart that is manifested through me. “And the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave him­ self for me.” Even his own act of faith, says Paul, seems to have passed out of the range of his consciousness, by the assured knowledge of Christ living and working in him. The risen Lord, taking^possession of the believer, brings with Him the “spirit of faith,” and the act of moment-by-moment trust should eventually become as sponta­ neous and simple as breathing.— S elected . II. A B rief C onfession

him today.” They should say, “Have you h e a r d from him today.” Some s p e l l “calendar” “calender” or “cal- ander.” Still others say “between you and I” instead of “between you and me.” It is astonish­


ing how often “who” is used for “whom,” and how frequently the simplest words are mispronounced. Few know whether to spell certain words with one or two “c’s” or “m’s” or “r’s,” or with “ie” or “ei.” Most persons use only common words—colorless, flat, ordinary. Their speech and their let­ ters are lifeless, monotonous, humdrum. Every time they talk or write they show themselves lacking in the essential points of English. Wonderful New Invention For many years M r. C'ody studied the problem of creating instinctive habits of using good English. A fter countless experiments he finally invented a simple method by which you can acquire a better command of the English language m only 15 min­ utes a day. Now you can stop making the mistakes which have been hurting you. M r. Cody's students have secured more improvement in five weeks than previously had been obtained by other pupils in two years 1 Learn by Habit— Not by Rules Under old methods rules are memorized, but correct habits are hot formed. Finally the rules themselves are forgotten. The new Sherwin Cody method provides for the formation of correct habits by calling to your attention constantly only the m is­ takes you yo u rself m ake. One of the wonderful things about M r. Cody’s course is the speed with which these habit-forming practice drills can be carried out. You can write the answers to fifty questions in 15 minutes and correct your work in 5 minutes more. The drudgery and work of copying haye been ended by M r. Cody! You concentrate always on your own mistakes until it becomes “ second nature” to speak and write correctly. FREE!—Book on English A new book explaining Mr. Cody’s remarkable method is_ ready. If you are ever embarrassed by mistakes in grammar, spelling^ punctuation, pro­ nunciation, or if you can not instantly command the exact words with which to express your ideas, this new free book, “ How You Gan M aster Good English in 15 M inutes a Day,” will prove a rev­ elation to you. Send the coupon or a letter or postal card for it now. SH E RW IN CODY SCHOOL OF ENG L ISH , 731 Searle Building, Rochester, N. Y. I— — — — — -------— — — — -------- I SHERWIN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH, I 731 Searle Building, Rochester, N. Y. I Please send me yonr free book. “ How You Can M aster Good English in 15 M inutes a | Day.” I N am e...............................................................»?Fvv:y-;^ T h is valuable book, can not be sent to children I I I I I I I I I I Address

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