King's Business - 1934-01

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

January, 1934


FEBRUARY 7 Able to Help

“In that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succor them that are tempted" (Heb. 2:18). How rich in consolation is the truth thus stated! The heart of Jesus is an open refuge in which thou canst shelter until these calamities are overpast. Blessed assurance! He will continue with us, holding our right hand, and lead­ ing us onward and upward, until His full salvation shall be revealed in the undefiled and incorruptible inheritance “reserved in heaven” for us.—D. T a tto n . There’s not a grief, however light, Too light for sympathy; There’s not a care, however slight, Too slight to bring to Thee. Thou who has tried the thorny road Wilt share each small distress, For He who bore the greater load Will not refuse the less. FEBRUARY 8 The Making of a Masterpiece “The Lord will perfect that which con- cerneth me" (Psa. 138:8)._ You remember the story of Murillo’s masterpiece that hangs in the Seville Cathedral—I suppose one of the great paintings of the world. . . . Do you re­ member how it was painted? The great artist was in a monastery, and one morn­ ing he was inspired to paint—it was an ir­ resistible impulse. He called for some canvas; but they had no artist’s canvas in the monastery, so they searched around and brought him some rough brown can­ vas, little better than sacking; that was all they had. He took it, rough and coarse as it was, and, stretching it across a board, painted on it the world’s masterpiece. . . . Some of our lives are a bit rough and ugly. My friend, the Lord would paint His own likeness not only on your life, but also in your soul. He would fill you with His own Spirit, so that you may go out and live a life that is sweet. —A. L in d sa y G legg . FEBRUARY 9 Look to the Light “I am the light of the world : he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life" (John 8 : 12 ). There is a most delightful story in Bun- yan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, which I should like to recall to your notice. When Chris­ tian was convicted of sin and told to flee from the wrath to come, he was given a roll, the Book of God, the Bible. I do not know how much he read. But he cried, “Whither shall I flee?” And Evangelist, pointing him to a wide field, said, “Do you see yonder wicket gate ?” Christian replied, “I do not.” That is like a lot of people! They want to get into a life of holiness, but they do not see the way in. Then Evangelist said (this is what I like!) : “Do you see yonder shining light?” Poor Christian scarcely saw even that, but he said, “I think I do.” And Evangelist said, “That is enough. Keep that light in your eye, and go di­ rectly thereto, so shalt thou see the gate, at the which when thou knockest, it shall be told thee what to do.” The light is the Light of the World, the only perfect Man who ever lived, the Lord Jesus.—A. E. R ic h a r d so n . — S elected .

CDaily CDevoiionalc^leadings A M E S S A G E F O R E V E R Y DAY OF T H E M O N T H

they rule you? Nerves: They are a very real burden, but we ought to be on top. Circumstances: Are we on top, or do the things that happen in daily life tend to crush us ? God’s intention for every Chris­ tian is that he shall reign.— G u y H. K in g . FEBRUARY 4 Come, Lord Jesus “He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly: Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22:20). One of the glorious things about the Christian faith is that no matter what may happen in a future day of disaster or of judgment, all is well with the believer who is in Christ Jesus. It is a wonderful thing to know that we are ready for His coming, with all that that means. It is no less wonderful that, by His grace, we are able to meet all the tribulations of life which are sure to come to us in this age. In all these trials of faith we are buoyed up with the hope of His return, which will mean healing for all the ills of life, the righting of all the wrongs of earth, and the bringing in of a kingdom wherein righteousness shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. “Even so, come, Lord Jesus” 1 — P . W. P h il po t t . FEBRUARY 5 I Pray; God Works “I f ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it" (John 14:14). God, the eternal God of the universe, stands, as it were, and says, “If you, My child, will only pray, I will work; if you will only be busy with asking, I will see to the doing.” . . . Not only does our praying evoke His bounty, but it also sets in motion His omnipotence. Wherefore, as we enter into the secret chamber of prayer, nothing will so stir us into mighty inter­ cession, nothing will so soon make us master-pleaders with God for a lost world, as to whisper to our own soul again and again this wonderful truth: “While I am praying, God is really doing that which I am asking.”— S elected . FEBRUARY 6 “Immediately” “And immediately the Spirit driveth him into the wilderness" (Mk. 1:12). Immediately after what? After the opened heavens and the dovelike peace and the voice of a Father’s blessing, “Thou art my beloved Son,- in whom I am well pleased” I It is no abnormal experience. Thou, too, hast passed through it, O my soul. Are not the times of thy deepest de­ pression just the moments that follow thy loftiest flight? . . . Hast thou weighed the comfort of that word “immediately” ? Why does it come so soon after the blessing? . . . The Father saw that the dovelike peace which had fallen on the Son of man would make Him fit for the wilderness. The Father blessed Him for what He would be able to bear. Is it not ever so? God shines on thee to make thee fit for the desert places—for its Gethsemanes, for its Calvaries. He lifts thee up that He may give thee strength to go farther down. — G eorge M a t h e s o n .

FEBRUARY 1 Com e Ye Apart “Come ye yourselves apart . . . and rest awhile" (Mk. 6:31). Whenever our Father sees our need of quietude and rest, He orders it—He plans for us the changes that are best; But if we crave to keep at work when He commands, “Be still,” And fret because our wishes fall beneath His mighty will, We surely miss the blessed sight of His dear hand of love, Our eyes are on the gloom below when they should look above. But if we turn to Him and cry, “O Father, the All-Wise! We trust Thy love to prove this cross a blessing in disguise; We pray Thee, let us feel Thee near to strengthen with Thine arm, So that no outward change hath power to break our inward calm,” Then will be given a clearer sight of Him as perfect Guide, Who hath our future good in view when calling uS aside. — D a p h n e H a m M onde . FEBRUARY 2 Sure of God “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him" (Job 13:15). The devil came to the second Adam, as to the first, and he said, “Do You mean to say You .are God’s Son, and that He will not let You eat and have what You desire and need? What kind of a God can He be, and what kind of love can He bear toward You?” Do you not recognize the same kind of temptation that has come to your own heart, the temptation to doubt and to question what kind of a Person God is? Is God really good? Does He love me, or does He not? Does He want my best, or is He merely a super-tyrant who wants to crush me into obedience? . . , Adam failed, but our Lord failed not . . . He was in a desert, and He had nothing to supply His need. But He said, in effect, this: “I am sure of my Father. I am so sure of Him that if My Father chooses hunger for Me, then that is His will; and because it is His will, it is Mine. Thy law is within My heart; I am content to do it; I am sure of God.” — J . R u sse l l H ow d en . FEBRUARY 3 On Top “They ... shall reign in life" (Rom. 5:17). It is a great thing to reign, to be on top of one’s circumstances. The weight of things so often presses us Christians down; whereas we should be on top of life. “They shall reign in life.” I wonder whether we are doing it. We can soon discover. Let me suggest one or two tests by which you and I may see whether we are living this life of ours,as a royal life or not. Listen! Sms: Are you living on top of them or are they on top of you? ' Fears —of men, of things, of the future: Are they on top? Feelings: Are you on top, or do

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