Uninews TorVergata #limite

A BIP must be designed and implemented by at least 3 ECHE-Holding Higher Education Institutions. The physical component of a BIP lasts between 5 and 30 days, and students must earn at least 3 ECTS credits. The minimum number of participants is 15 learners, i.e., students and learner staff involved in the BIP, excluding teachers and trainers on Erasmus+ mobility. Since 2021, through BIP projects and nclusion strategies, Tor Vergata University has enabled access to the Program for individuals with fewer opportunities. BIPs allow the participation of students facing socio- economic disadvantages who cannot carry out long- term mobility. The BIP project aims to remove barriers that may prevent the full and effective

Tor Vergata University has participated in several Blended Intensive Program (BIP) projects organized within the Universeh Alliance , of which the University is a member. Information about BIPs organized by Tor Vergata University and those in which the University participates is available at https://web.uniroma2.it/it/p ercorso/campus/sezione/bl

inclusion of students in Erasmus+ projects through short-term mobility opportunities. In June and July 2024, two BIPs in the area of economics were organised, with a total of 62 students participating from Romania, Turkey, Cyprus, Albania, England, Spain, Germany, Norway and Estonia. For the academic year 2024-2025, Tor Vergata University will participate in a new BIP: the Arctic Winter School, organized by the University of Lulea within the Universeh Alliance.

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Blended Programs


are short, intensive programs that use innovative learning and teaching methods. By enabling new and more tflexible mobility formats that combine physical mobility with a virtual part, BIPs aim at reaching students from all backgrounds, study fields and academic levels.


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