
W E S T E R N G R O W E R & S H I P P E R

6 Talley to Serve Second Year As Chairman of the Board 8 Past Chairmen Weigh in on Talley’s 2 nd Year 10 Meet Your Future Volunteer Leaders 28 The D’Arrigo Legacy: Three Generations of Leadership in the Produce Industry 34 Walt Duflock on Leading Innovation in 2021 36 WGCIT STARTUP:

WESTERN GROWER & SHIPPER Published Since 1929 Volume XCII | Number 1

DEPARTMENTS 4 President’s Notes 12 Federal Government Affairs 15 California Government Affairs 16 Legislator Profile 18 What’s Trending 20 Western Growers Assurance Trust 21 Western Growers Insurance Services 22 Member Welcome & Anniversaries 24 Ag & the Law 31 Western Growers Financial Services 32 Science 33 Inside Western Growers 38 Update from the WGCIT 41 Contact Us

To enhance the competitiveness and profitability of Western Growers members

Dave Puglia President

Western Growers davep@wga.com Editor Tim Linden Champ Publishing 925.258.0892 | tlinden@wga.com Contributors Cory Lunde 949.885.2264 | clunde@wga.com Stephanie Metzinger 949.885.2256 | smetzinger@wga.com Chardae Heim 949.885.2279 | cheim@wga.com Production Diane Mendez 949.885.2372 | dmendez@wga.com Circulation Marketing 949.885.2248 | marketing@wga.com Advertising Sales Dana Davis Tyger Marketing 302.750.4662 | danadavis@epix.net

Irish Company Revolutionizing Beekeeping



Western Grower & Shipper ISSN 0043-3799, Copyright © 2021 by the Western Grower & Shipper is published bi-monthly by Western Grower & Shipper Publishing Company, a division of Western Growers Service Corp., 15525 Sand Canyon Avenue, Irvine California 92618. Business and Editorial Offices: 15525 Sand Canyon Avenue, Irvine California 92618. Accounting and Circulation Offices: Western Grower & Shipper, 15525 Sand Canyon Avenue, Irvine California 92618. Call (949) 863- 1000 to subscribe. Subscription is $18 per year. Foreign subscription is $36 per year. Single copies of recent issues, $1.50. Single copies of issues more than three months old, $2. Single copies of Yearbook issue $4. Periodicals postage is paid in Irvine, California and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Western Grower & Shipper, PO Box 2130, Newport Beach, California 92658.



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