PROF I T SHAR I NG Our plan is simple. The better we do together, the better we all do individually. Because we control our own destiny, there is no cap on the amount of Profit Sharing contributions. The sky truly is the limit. We’re proud to say that our Profit Sharing plan continues to gain strength, with record-setting numbers in 2021 that we expect to keep growing and growing. AVER I T T CHAR I T I ES Our associates have established an extraordinary tradition of giving to those in need. To honor our associates for their generosity, the company contributes to Averitt Charities in partnership with our associates. Whether it’s 96% of our associates contributing $1 per week to Averitt Cares for Kids, or teammates working together in service through the Team Up Community Challenge, giving back shows the heart of Averitt’s people. OUR DR I V I NG FORCE I S PEOPLE Hiring, coaching and retaining the right people is one of the most important things we do. Building relationships with associates is so important that Gary personally welcomes aboard every new hire. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, new associates were brought to Cookeville for orientation, and Gary met each one and shook their hands. While health and safety guidelines don’t allow for that today, he still calls each new associate to thank them for joining our team. THE BEST I S YET TO COME The way we look at it, 1971 to 2021 is just one of many more chapters to come. We’re proud of our past, but we’re even more excited about our future. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey with us. We can’t wait to see where you help take us next. T m
people,” says Gary. “But in doing all that, we see a much greater return in our investment.” I N A WORD : STAB I L I T Y Gary’s belief in 1971 still holds true 50 years later – that stability is vital and that the true measurement of stability is commitment to the future. There are many reasons other carriers have come and gone over the past 50 years. And we don’t turn our attention to what others have done or not done. Instead, we’re committed to creativity and innovation that’s been the catalyst to stability through five decades that have included national economic cycles, continual growth of competitive landscape, and a global pandemic. “Every decision we make is weighed against the future and our stability. Our commitment is to remain independent so we can create our own destiny,” says Gary. AVER I T T BEL I EFS After 50 years, our team’s beliefs remain the same: • Build on our unique culture of helping people succeed , including our customers and our associates • Share financial rewards with our associates through Profit Sharing • Give back to our communities through Averitt Charities , including Averitt Cares for Kids and the Team Up Community Challenge • Recruit the best of the best and promote from within, because Our Driving Force Is People HELP I NG PEOPLE SUCCEED From the very beginning, our team was more focused on building partnerships with our customers than to just simply pick up and deliver freight. Because we knew early on that to experience long-term success, our customers had to grow too.
GARY with 42-year Cookeville driver DAVID ADAMS
GARY alongside Nashville frontline leader DERRICK JONES
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