LMHN Regional Review March 2024

Robinvale District Health Services

The unit has also joined and provided support to number of groups including the Northern Mallee Regional Mental Health Network and Northern Mallee Integrated Mental Health Network. The Mallee team has worked in partnerships with Robinvale and Mallee Track health services to provide Mental Health First Aid training in Ouyen, Robinvale and Sea Lake. Bendigo Community Health, Dhelkaya Health, Loddon Shire Council, Macedon Ranges Shire, Northern District Community Health, Swan Hill District Health and East Wimmera Health Service are leading projects in each region to provide mental wellbeing and cultural safety training, community mental wellbeing events, support social connection, social prescribing models, suicide prevention activities and supporting sustainability of existing mental wellbeing/suicide prevention networks. Climate Change and Health The team has seen a positive response following the implementation of the Climate Change and Health Framework and subsequently key resources have been developed that support climate action initiatives. The Climate Change and Health resource explains the impacts of climate change on our environment, our

health and co-benefits of climate change action. The Cool Spaces resource was developed to assist with planning, development and utilisation of cool spaces with stakeholders. The Home Upgrades for Climate Resilience Workbook is a new resource that has been developed for households in the Loddon Mallee to assess how their homes may perform in climate events such as fires, floods, storms and extreme temperatures. The workbook identifies priority upgrades that households can undertake to make their home more resilient when these events occur. Visit the LMPHU website for the framework and Climate Change resources such as Cool Spaces, Climate Change and Health and the Home Upgrades for Climate Resilience Workbook. The LMPHU has also been working with health services to support their environmental and sustainability working groups to progress their climate action initiatves. The Mallee team has been working with Mildura Rural City to launch the Cool It Streets Program, which aims to provide quality tree canopy cover by planting semi- mature trees in areas of need. Health protection The unit is working to prepare for local issues around

These resources are currently in development in various languages within our communities. The LMPHU has developed a strong system for awareness of local emergency health risks within the Loddon Mallee region and promote awareness of risks among service providers and provide intelligence and support through amplification of messaging. The team is working through emergency management awareness training to effectively respond to any local emergency management risk supporting department led activities. We have been attending Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) meetings across the region and establishing connections with place based agencies to support local emergency health risks within the Loddon Mallee region. Your feedback The team at the Loddon Mallee Public Health Unit welcome your feedback on any issues relating to public health matters. Information can be found at their webpage Bendigo Health Website - Loddon Mallee Public Health Unit or by contacting the unit directly on 1800 959 400 or email LMPHU@ bendigohealth.org.au

communicable diseases, environmental risks and threats and supporting emergency management. A priority for the team has been finalising the transition of the management of notifiable conditions in our region from the Victorian Department of Health to the public health unit. The unit is now the primary point of contact for clinicians and services for receipt of notifications and public health advice for the management of people and settings affected by notifiable conditions (e.g. measles, Japanese encephalitis, COVID-19), with the exception of anaphylaxis, lead poisoning and tuberculosis. Using a place-based approach to notifiable condition management will also equip the public health unit to better identify populations, settings and geographies of higher risk with a view to collaboratively designing preventive programs moving forward. They have also been raising awareness of environmental health concerns, by providing advice

on emerging environmental health threats. The LMPHU has put together resources and

information around summer, heat health, mosquitoes, water safety, sun safety, fire safety and information around bats to share with our community and stakeholders.

LMSHSNDRieggitiaolnNael wResv|ieIwssue| 1 I|ssOuceto3be|r 20A2u2tumn 2023 LMHN Regional Review | Issue 6 | Summer 2024


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