Current Internship Opportunities

HVAC Manufacturing, Facilities and Automotive

No listings at this time.

Information Technology and Computer Science Computer and Information Technology .

No Listings at this time

Law Enforcement, EMT, Paramedic and Fire Sciences Public and Professional Business Services

No current listings from police departments to our program, but our Work-Based Learning Navigator can help you on the search for a police department internship program. Most departments will require that the student be eligible and admitted first into their official school internship program before they will share their application for their own program. So please apply and/or reach out to Christina Radmacher, Work-Based Learning Navigator, for more information. or call (847) 376-7165.

Manufacturing and Computer Aided Drafting Manufacturing, Facilities and Automotive (NEW) Packaging Specialist & General Support (Culinary Cannabis Company) Please see full description under Health Careers/Cannabis.

(NEW) Automation Maintenance Technician (Symbotic) Full description listed under the Engineering section on this document.


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