NSLHD News - June 14 2024

The Coral Tree team after the event

Coral Tree hosts first conference In what was five years in the making, the Coral Tree Family Service held its first service conference. The conference, which had 80 attendees from the community, was held at the Northern Sydney Education and Conference Centre on the grounds of Macquarie Hospital.

The aim of the conference was to provide an opportunity for local and regional clinicians to learn about the ideas and skills used by clinicians at Coral Tree. Coral Tree is a service that offers support for children and their families when they are in need of extra intervention with behavioural, emotional or mental health difficulties. The day finished with a short walk to the Coral Tree facility where guests were involved in workshops and given a tour of the Coral Tree site. Coral Tree Family Service Manager Cath McElroy said the event was received very well and has set the benchmark for an annual conference. “It was fantastic to hear from an array of Coral Tree staff members about a range of different topics,” she said. “We have received very positive feedback from the conference and we hope to now undertake a conference annually.”

Attendees walked back to Coral Tree for a tour as part of the conference



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