NSLHD News - June 14 2024

The Grand Stand Program hosting a workshop with the Warringah Rats rugby club

NSLHD taking a grand stand against domestic violence Since 2020, Northern Sydney Local Health District has been empowering northern Sydney men engaged in community sport to

“Our aim is to develop the young men we are working with to become community advocates against domestic violence,” she said. “In addition to the workshops, we encourage clubs to take a pledge against domestic violence and promote this through various means such as hosting an awareness raising event, wearing branded socks during games, nominating club ambassadors and much more.” The clubs have also taken to the program, with multiple club presidents acknowledging the impact it has had on the athletes. “This program has made our club more wholesome. By participating in programs like this, it talks to not just the players, but their wives, girlfriends, their kids and family members,” said the club president of Newport Rugby Club. “It really does express what Newport Rugby does stand for and shows we’re not just here to play a game of footy.”

take a stand against domestic violence. The ‘Grand Stand against Domestic Abuse’ program is currently working with four sporting clubs across the region to offer workshops, policy support and suggestions to raise the awareness of domestic violence in the community. The multi-sport program was launched in consultation with local sporting clubs after piloting the rugby league focused NSW Tackling Violence program. Since then, the grand stand program has strengthened its impact by including themes of alcohol and mental health through an interactive workshop. The workshops, facilitated by partners Think About It, has earned praise from attendees, prompting reflection on their own lives, with some courageously sharing their own experiences. Social Wellbeing Program Manager Crystal Hillery said the project has been received very well by participating clubs and the wider community.



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