NSLHD News - June 14 2024

The NSLHD Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service hosted a stall at RNSH

Celebrating Eddie Mabo Northern Sydney Local Health District recently celebrated Mer Island man Edward Koiki ‘Eddie’ Mabo on Mabo Day. The day is celebrated each year across Australia on 3rd June, as part of National Reconciliation Week. Monday 3 June is the anniversary of the Mabo decision where on 3rd June 1992 the High Court of Australia decided that terra nullius should not have been applied to Australia. The turning point for the recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people`s rights was the Mabo decision, as it acknowledged their unique connection with the land. To mark the special day, the NSLHD Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service held a stall in the foyer of Royal North Shore Hospital. In light of Mabo Day, the Executive Director Peter Shine and Workforce Manager of the NSLHD Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service Kuibuz Gillian Adidi held an exclusive interview with Gail Mabo, the daughter of Eddie Mabo. You can watch the exclusive Gail Mabo interview here: https://vimeo. com/943874666/3e684046de?share=copy



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