NSLHD News - June 14 2024

Running for game-changing research Less than two years after a breast cancer diagnosis, Professor Gemma Figtree has completed the prestigious Boston Marathon while raising significant funds for cancer research.

donors who helped her raise more than $30,000. “Philanthropic funding is so important as it often supports early to mid-career researchers or early stage ideas, where there may not necessarily be all the data to succeed with a highly competitive national funding grant. It can be a crucial component in advancing medical research,” she said. Gemma hopes there will be further philanthropic funds for her own research program into heart disease and the rise in cases of coronary artery disease and heart attack in patients without the traditional risk factors, like blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and smoking. “I’m sure we can learn from some of our cancer colleagues about the drugs that can target specific biological pathways that are driving an individual’s susceptibility or resilience to common disease,” she said. “This could be particularly relevant for heart disease, with 25 per cent of heart attack patients developing ticking time bomb coronary plaque without the traditional risk factors.”

Gemma crossed the finish line in under four hours as part of the team running for the internationally renowned Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Gemma ran her first marathon just after completing six months of chemotherapy in 2022, so to be accepted into the Boston event was a remarkable achievement. “For me to come through chemotherapy, and then qualify to run Boston was a major milestone in itself, and then to be able to run for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute’s fundraising team, was a perfect combination,” she said. “Running was a crucial part of my recovery, and there’s now increasing evidence around the benefits of exercise for cancer patients from reductions in recurrence, improved mental health and a reduction in the side effects of chemotherapy.” Gemma is tremendously thankful to her

Senior Clinical Pharmacist Mellissa Batger, Respiratory and Sleep Physician Katrina Tonga and RNSH Respiratory and Sleep Physician Sophie Timmins

Professor Gemma Figtree completing the marathon



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