NSLHD News - June 14 2024

A eye surgery stretcher in use at RNSH

Pink Ladies’ Generosity Enhances Patient Care at RNSH Royal North Shore Hospital (RNSH) recently received generous donations from the Pink Ladies, a volunteer group that has supported the hospital since 1956. Their latest contributions include two new eye surgery stretchers and two sentinel node navigation probes, significantly enhancing the hospital’s surgical capabilities. The eye surgery stretchers, custom-built and in high demand, are essential for almost every eye surgery performed at RNSH. These new stretchers replace the ageing fleet, ensuring that patients receive top-quality care. Notably, one of the Pink Ladies recently had her eye surgery on one of these new stretchers, demonstrating the immediate impact of their donation. Additionally, the Pink Ladies funded two new sentinel node navigation probes. These probes are vital for detecting if cancer has spread to nearby nodes, particularly in melanoma and breast cancer treatments. When the older probes were damaged and irreparable, the Pink Ladies quickly helped replace them with the latest models. This swift action has allowed RNSH to continue providing advanced cancer care. The total value of these donations exceeds $90,000. “The kind donation of these items has allowed us to continue delivering high-quality care to our patients with the most current generation of technologies. We are incredibly grateful to the Pink Ladies for their unwavering support,” said Ben Chudleigh, Nursing Unit Manager, Module 3 Operating Theatres, RNSH. The Pink Ladies raise funds through their shop, cake stalls, used clothing sales, and a cart that visits the wards daily. Their longstanding dedication and support play a crucial role in maintaining and improving the hospital’s facilities and services.

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