issued Executive Order 23-04, which established an annual housing production target of 36,000 homes in Oregon, and which established the Governor’s Housing Production Advisory Council (HPAC), tasked with providing recommendations to achieve the housing production target. The HPAC’s January 2024 report included recommendations on one-time urban growth boundary (UGB) amendments, funding for infrastructure and affordable housing, and adjustments to land use standards, are incorporated into Senate Bill 1537. Executive Order 23-04 and the draft HPAC report cite a housing shortage as detailed by the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD), which states in its December 2022 Oregon Housing Needs Analysis (OHNA) Legislative Recommendations Report that Oregon needs to develop more than 550,000 new housing units across income levels to accommodate 20 years of population growth, and to account for current underproduction and the lack of units for people experiencing homelessness. DLCD notes that of these needed housing units, 20 percent (nearly 112,000 units) must be affordable to moderate income households earning between 80 and 120 percent of area median income, while 10

percent (nearly 56,000 units) be affordable to low-income households earning between 60 and 80 percent of area median income. DLCD notes that of these needed housing units, 20 percent (nearly 112,000 units) must be affordable to moderate income households earning between 80 and 120 percent of area median income, while 10 percent (nearly 56,000 units) be affordable to low- income households earning between 60 and 80 percent of area median income. Hopefully, this will be a first towards solving the housing shortage in Oregon. The Chambers’ Housing and Land Use Action team will be following the issue closely and will provide it’s findings to the Chamber Board of Directors. n


June 2024 | The Business Review

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