Medford Chamber Leadership Class Written by Latoya Gibbs T he Chamber of Medford and Jackson County’s Leadership Class (2023-2024) had its penultimate meeting in April. Seven of the eight classes are day learning about safety procedures, tactics, and protocols related to public safety and security in the Valley and in other jurisdictions.

now completed, the first of which was in September 2023, with the group meeting once every month since then (except in December). In April, the class had a close up look at the measures put in place to keep our area safe. As public safety is an important component of a healthy community, the participants felt privileged to spend the day with the Medford Police Department (MPD) and the MPD SWAT team. After a briefing about safety procedures and introduction to the SWAT team, the class actively participated in exercises and drills on a slightly chilly morning. The instructors also reiterated the risks and rewards of serving their community and this region. Overall, the class enjoyed a full

With graduation in May, the focus now is to assiduously raise funds to complete four class projects which were the proposals pitched by four local organization. You can learn more about these not for profit organizations by clicking on these links - Living Opportunities, Salvation Army, YMCA of Medford, and Medford American Little League. For many years, these organizations have been pillars in the community. With your help the Chamber of Medford and Jackson County’s Leadership Class can give back to the organizations that have helped various groups in southern Oregon. We look forward to your support of cash and kind to successfully complete these projects and you may give a tax deductible donation HERE. n

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